René Urtreger


Charlie Parker: Bird Songs
In 1955, on his report, a medical examiner wrote in the box: age, “about 53 years”. Charlie Parker nicknamed Bird just died, at 34. His death will be the ransom of a life that was not denied to the excesses or the consuming flame of genius. His wildest improvisations will open the door to future jazzmen. Between shadow and light this film will pay tribute to one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century.
Charlie Parker: Bird Songs
In 1955, on his report, a medical examiner wrote in the box: age, “about 53 years”. Charlie Parker nicknamed Bird just died, at 34. His death will be the ransom of a life that was not denied to the excesses or the consuming flame of genius. His wildest improvisations will open the door to future jazzmen. Between shadow and light this film will pay tribute to one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century.
L'homme qui n'était pas là
Original Music Composer
Charles Elaine, a famous actor, becomes the target of a man who wants to apply to him a theory according to which you can make someone crazy by manipulating him. Rella, a beautiful young woman, is designed to drive Charles crazy.
Original Music Composer
Маленький мальчик привязался к цыпленку, которого его родители купили с самыми прозаическими намерениями: сварить. Дабы спасти пернатое, ребенок пытается с помощью всяких уловок убедить родителей, что цыпленок на самом деле - несушка, т.е. курица, несущая яйца.
Лифт на эшафот
A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.