Henry Wacklin


Henry Wacklin is Finnish gaffer and grip.


Девушка-подросток занимается гимнастикой, всячески пытается угодить матери и достичь высот в спорте. Однажды она находит брошенное, как она думала, птичье яйцо и решает не дать ему погибнуть. Находка достигает невероятных размеров, и вскоре из яйца вылупляется неведомая зверушка. Теперь всему семейству придется несладко.
Super Furball Saves the Future
To save the world, Super Furball has to save the bees. In order to do that, the heroic guinea pig has to save the biggest bully in school.
Фильм о великом финском архитекторе — и том, что никто не становится великим в одиночку.
Time Out
Story about father and his son and small town bullies and those who stare beside silently approving all bad to happen. Ex-priest moves to small town of Harmaaketo together with his son, where they get instantly bullied and terrorized. Even when there's zero tolerance for such things, no one can or don't want to stop it before it's too late and things escalate to the point of no return.
My Brother's Keeper
The story of a Finnish rap artist Cheek and his brother.
Super Furball
Emilia is a suburban kid. She goes to school, lives with her Mom and sometimes her Dad, and her life couldn’t be more ordinary. But one day Emilia’s pet hamster bites her finger. Emilia gets a secret superpower to transform into Super Furball, who can fly and solve problems with her superpowers. At the same time, the herrings in the nearby Baltic Sea bay are screaming for help because of poisoned water. As the Super Furball, Emilia takes it upon herself to fix the situation and finds ways to be more courageous in her own life.
Lapland Odyssey 2
It’s been three years since we last met Janne and Inari. Since then, they’ve had a daughter named Lumi. Janne and his friends experience a new adventure, this time on an autumn night. The boys go to a party but end up chasing Lumi who has disappeared. Meanwhile, Inari enjoys a girls-night-out and has an adventure of her own.
We Are the Pirates of the Roads
The Rosvola family – The Robbersons drive around the country in their pirate car robbing bypassing cars of their sweets, extra food and consumer goods. Life changes for the Rosvolas when they accidentally kidnap 10-year-old Vilja, a diligent school girl. Will Vilja succeed in escaping or will she become friends with the Rosvolas´ children Hele (12 years) and Kalle (9 years)? We are the Pirates of the Roads is a funny and crazy adventurous road movie for children.
Сердце льва
Неонацист влюбляется в женщину, у которой есть чернокожий сын, что ставит под сомнение его жизненные принципы.
Lighting Design
Maria's ex-boyfriend Kristian is homeless and moves back in with Maria. Maria works as a nurse at the home of Eeva, a paralyzed writer.
Best Boy Lighting Technician
A cleaning woman decides to sue the state for illegal discharge.
Best Boy Lighting Technician
Raid is a mysterious drifter and ex-criminal who comes and goes as he pleases. He has been away from the country for an extended period of time but learns on his return that his ex-girlfriend Tarja has presumably died in a fire that he soon discovers was a larceny. He is also contacted by inspector Jansson, who he knows from the past regarding the murder of a protestor. Raid begins his investigation and soon finds that there's more to the cases than meets the eye.. This movie is a sequel to the very popular Raid TV series.
Фильм о детстве, о взрослении и о том, что нужно всегда стоять на своём, даже если под ногами болотная топь. Маленькая Элина приходит на болото, чтобы разговаривать со своим умершим отцом, который однажды показал ей, как пройти в самое сердце трясины. Для неё — это свой мир, своё урочище, где она прячется от серой действительности тяжелой деревенской жизни. Здесь у неё тихие, неспешные разговоры с папой обо всём. Там — маленькая финская деревня в Северной Швеции; придирчивая фрекен Хольм, которая поставила себе задачу обучить «этих неблагодарных маленьких финнов» шведскому языку, разумеется, насильственно, потому что только так ей представляется возможным «внести порядок в хаос». Для Элины же хаос — это прежде всего несправедливость, нечестность. Вот почему она стоит на своём, всегда слыша голос своего погибшего отца: «Иди, иди дальше! Не оступись!» И тогда её замученная жизнью мама преподнесёт ей в конце неожиданный сюрприз.
One-Way Ticket to Mombasa
Pete loses his consciousness while playing in a pop band. The diagnosis is harsh and the doctor cannot say for sure whether Pete will celebrate his 18th birthday. One night, encouraged by the vodka on Jusa's 18th birthday, Pete confesses his love to Kata, his dream girl. Together with Jusa, they go to Lapland where Kata has her summer job. In Jusa's wild company, Pete experiences something which he never felt before as they decide to take a trip to Mombasa via Lapland.