Gao Xuanming

Gao Xuanming

Рождение : 1995-12-23, Bengbu,Anhui Province,China


Gao Xuanming


Demon Catcher 2
Executioner's Strange Talk
Han Sheng
The executioner Xie Qi, who is in charge of the ghost-headed knife, will encounter the ghost of a woman who is back for revenge because he killed the female prisoner during the taboo of three quarters of noon. The people of the town were very angry and blamed Xie Qi for all the inauspicious things that happened. Xie Qi wants to use the old method of stitching up the human head back to its body and subsequently burn it to pacify the female ghost, but unexpectedly the human head was stolen, and the body sewer was killed. The case of the town’s wealthy merchants grave moving and the girl’s disappearance, things start coming together, and Xie Qi is now in grave danger…
The Oriental Illusionist
Xiao Jingya
The two juggling schools of Yin and Yang inside and outside Shanhaiguan started a juggling duel because of a "Book of Fortune" that was rumored to be able to change fate against the sky.
Super Pacifier
Pi Hou
A battle of a ferocious gang against a hunk-turned pacifier! The entire Special Ops Team was annihilated due to Zhou Yong's mistake. He felt guilty ever since. One day, two children knocked on his door. They were actually the children of the late Special Ops Team Leader, and Zhou Yong was forced to take care of them. The gang that they had engaged before are approaching Zhou Yong and the children for their revenge. With burning anger inside his heart, Zhou Yong plays a cruel game of survival with the approaching gang.
Crazy Hunter
Ahn Jiya
Luo Chuan was arrested in Jinmen City, but the only case he could prove was for a small amount of money, so he was sentenced to only six months in prison. Six months later, Luo Chuan is released from prison and is ready to make a big score with a tomb raider he met in prison, An Chai. Their target is the white jade from the city museum's collection of relics, the "Yin and Yang Jade Pui". Mr. Baron, the black market magnate in Jinmen City, offers an astronomical price for this jade. Guan Qi, the policewoman who let Luo Chuan escape under her nose before, learns that Luo Chuan has been released from prison and decides to investigate Luo Chuan privately
The Magic School
XIao Mi
Лучшие дни
Lai Zi
Отличница Чэнь Нянь стремится вырваться из бедности, поступив в лучший национальный колледж. Ее одноклассница сводит счеты с жизнью из-за буллинга, а потом объектом травли становится сама Нянь. В свой самый темный час она встречает беспризорника-сироту Бэя, и между двумя покалеченными душами возникает связь. Но когда они входят в сложный взрослый мир, те невинные обеты, которые некогда Нянь и Бэй принесли друг другу, уже вряд ли смогут вывести их из тьмы.
White Fish Town 2
Sun Busing
The film tells the story of a new blockhouse in the town of Whitefish, "The Gold and Silver House".
Ink Man
Единство героев 2
Tooth Gu
Хуан Фейхун разрушил штаб-квартиру Общества Белого Лотоса в Гуанчжоу и захватил додзё Сумо Общества Канна, атаковал непосредственно базу штаб-квартиры Общества Канна и, наконец, спас Чжан Чжидуна, внеся большой вклад в антияпонскую войну по-своему.
White Fish Town
Bastard Rule
Gong Ji
Return of Wong Fei Hung
Ya Qasu
1882, Canton. Huguang Chamber of Commerce organizes a tournament to compete for the right to cooperate with the British merchant Brown. Liang Kuan comes to the ring to stand up for his younger brother, but it is a conspiracy by the British merchant Brown. The British came to China for the purpose of creating a "war machine". Wong Fei Hong appeared in time to save Liang Foon