Edwin Justus Mayer

Рождение : 1896-11-08, New York, New York

Смерть : 1960-09-11


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Edwin Justus Mayer (8 November 1896 – 11 September 1960) was an American screenwriter. He wrote or co-wrote the screenplays for 47 films between 1927 and 1958. He was born and died in New York, New York. He is the grandfather of film director Daisy von Scherler Mayer. Edwin Justus Mayer worked on many screenplays. But he is famous today for working with Ernst Lubitsch. He worked with Lubitsch in To Be or Not to Be (1942) and A Royal Scandal (1945). A Royal Scandal (1945) was a box office failure, but today, is considered by many as one of Lubitsch's finest films. Description above from the Wikipedia article Edwin Justus Mayer, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.    


Во время англо-американской войны 1812 года генерал Эндрю Джексон располагает только 1200-ю солдатами для защиты Нового Орлеана от Британских кораблей, хотя знает, что британский флот в составе 60 кораблей и 16 тысяч человек вскоре прибудет, чтобы взять город. В этой ситуации особой стратегически важной зоной становится остров около города, но на беду он находится в руках последнего большого пирата Жана Лафита. Это самый известный среди флибустьеров пират, разбойник с повадками джентльмена и сердцем патриота. Его неотразимость разбила сердца всех женщин вокруг, а мужчины признавали его лидерство безоговорочно. Хотя Лафит никогда не нападает на американские суда, губернатор ненавидит его за то, что он продает товары без налогов, а граждане любят его по той же самой причине. Когда большое сражение становится неотвратимо, Лафит разрывается между двумя фронтами. Его сердце принадлежит Америке, но его люди убеждают его сотрудничать с теми, кто наверняка победит…
Masquerade in Mexico
An American singer stranded in Mexico is hired by a banker to distract a Mexican matador who is making a play for the banker's wife. They hatch a scheme whereby she pretends to be a Spanish countess.
A Royal Scandal
Catherine the Great falls in love with an army officer who is plotting against her.
Быть или не быть
Действие происходит в Польше до и во время немецкой оккупации. В одном театре Варшавы работают муж и жена — Йосиф и Мария Тура. Ставят антинацистскую пьесу, но ее запрещают, и приходится играть «Гамлета». Чрезвычайно тщеславный и ранимый Йосиф Тура играет самого принца датского, один из зрителей, молодой и красивый летчик, встает и уходит из зала в самый ответственный для артиста момент, когда произносится знаменитый монолог «Быть или не быть». Откуда знать актеру, что именно эти слова были для офицера паролем, указывающим, что можно идти в гримерную красавицы Марии Тура…
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
They Met in Bombay
A jewel thief and a con artist are rivals in the theft of a valuable diamond and gem necklace in Bombay and as the Japanese Army invades China.
Diabolical French capitalist Paul Reynard is forced to leave Irene, his bride of one year, when he is arrested for the crimes of forgery and embezzlement and sentenced to a penal colony off the coast of South America.
Exile Express
A San Francisco reporter and a lab assistant foil spies on an East-bound deportation train.
Original Story
An unemployed showgirl poses as Hungarian royalty to infiltrate Parisian society.
В августе 1814 года британскими войсками был захвачен и сожжен Президентский дворец в Вашингтоне. Под ударом — Новый Орлеан. Сенатор Кроуфорд от Луизианы вместе с британскими морскими офицерами планирует привлечь на свою сторону знаменитого пирата Жана Лафитта. Он не присягал на верность ни одной стране, но явно питает слабость к американцам, предпочитая не нападать на суда под американским флагом. Однако пираты есть пираты и однажды один из его капитанов нападает на американский корабль и, ограбив его, топит вместе с пассажирами. Спасается только одна молоденькая голландская девушка Гретхен, которая влюбляется в Лафитта.
Мадлен де Бюпре «вытягивает» у торговца камнями бесценную нитку жемчуга и бежит из Парижа, впутав в это дело психиатра. На огромной скорости она мчится на машине к испанской границе и чуть не сбивает Тома Брэдли, молодого американского инженера, находящегося в отпуске. Его она использует как ничего не подозревающего соучастника для контрабандного вывоза жемчуга из страны. Успешно пройдя испанскую таможню, он уезжает вместе с ней от следующей по пятам погони. Отношения перерастают в любовь — с многочисленными осложнениями и комичными ситуациями.
Till We Meet Again
In London, August 1914, Austrian star Elsa Duranyi (Gertrude Michael) and English matinee idol Alan Barclay (Herbert Marshall) are in love and plan an immediate marriage. But the War comes and Elsa mysteriously disappears. Alan's ease in speaking German results in his appointment to the British Intelligence and, to aid his use as a spy, they announce he was killed in action. He takes the name and personality of "shell-shocked" Hans Teller, a German prisoner, and is sent into Germany on an exchange of prisoners.
So Red the Rose
During the American Civil War, Valette Bedford waits patiently for her husband Duncan Bedford, to return home, praying that she will not become a widow.
Питер Иббетсон
Additional Writing
Этот фильм о талантливом архитекторе, который обнаруживает, что любовь его молодости сейчас жена богача и человека на которого он работает. После того как он был осужден за случайно совершенное убийство, его последней надеждой остается вновь вспыхнувшая любовь, которая, возможно, в силах спасти Питера.
Here Is My Heart
A rich and famous singer disguises himself as a waiter in order to be near the woman he loves, a European princess.
The Affairs of Cellini
Theatre Play
The 16th-century sculptor woos the Duchess of Florence despite the duke.
Thirty Day Princess
A European princess arrives in New York City to secure a much-needed loan for her country. She contracts the mumps, and an actress who looks exactly like her is hired to impersonate her.
I Am Suzanne!
A dancer falls in love with a puppeteer, much to the consternation of her manipulative manager. The puppeteer himself seems more interested in his puppets than in romance with her. Can she find true love?
The Song of Songs
After her father dies, Lily moves to the city to live with her strict aunt. During the day Lily works in her aunt's bookstore, and at night she sneaks across the street to model for Richard, a sculptor with whom she falls in love. A patron of Richard's, Baron von Merzbach, develops an interest in Lily that may not be with the best of intentions.
Tonight Is Ours
A princess is torn between her royal obligations and her love for a handsome Frenchman.
Wild Girl
Salomy Jane, a California mountain girl, is sought after by a number of men in the nearby small town of Redwood City. She is affected when two criminals are pursued by authorities: one for killing a hypocritical mayoral candidate, the other for robbing the stagecoach.
Merrily We Go to Hell
A drunken newspaperman, Jerry Corbett, is rescued from his alcoholic haze by an heiress, Joan Prentice, whose love sobers him up and encourages him to write a play, but he lapses back into dipsomania.
The Phantom of Paris
Chéri-Bibi is a world class escape artist, but he cannot escape the false murder charge that is placed on him.
Never the Twain Shall Meet
Dan works for Pritchard and Pritchard out of San Francisco and is in love with Maisie, referred to as "the icebox" by his news reporter friend. As one of his ships returns to San Francisco, Dan learns that the Captain has contracted Leprosy and asks Dan to be the guardian of his South Sea island daughter Tamea. Dan soon learns that Tamea wants him and will do nothing without a kiss. But Tamea soon learns that she is different than Dan and Maisie and that makes her angry. Dan decides to go and live on the island with Tamea, but soon finds out that Paradise is not everything that he thought it was.
Двадцативосьмилетний аристократ Гарри сообщает своему дедушке, что собирается жениться на актрисе. Он ждет упреков, но вместо этого дед рассказывает внуку, как сам 50 лет назад влюбился в итальянскую певицу Риту Кавалини…
The Lady of Scandal
A famous British actress gets involved with two members of a reserved British noble family, whose plan to get rid of her backfires.
The Lady of Scandal
A famous British actress gets involved with two members of a reserved British noble family, whose plan to get rid of her backfires.
In Gay Madrid
Ricardo, a young law student in his home town of Madrid, is a carefree playboy who loves nightclubs and courting pretty girls. His father hopes to instill a more serious attitude in his son by transferring him to a school in the rural town of Santiago. At Santiago, his father's old friend is to be his guardian. When Ricardo arrives at Santiago he joins a fraternity, and continues his carefree lifestyle while serenading and courting his guardian's daughter, Carmina.
Feyda is a man of wealth and has many fine qualities, but he is powerless to resist gambling and beautiful women. Feyda falls instantly in love with Lisa, who is engaged to his dear friend Victor.
Not So Dumb
Not-so-smart chatterbox Dulcy Parker does and says all the wrong things, but they right themselves to prove she's not so dumb after all.
The Unholy Night
One dark foggy London night, someone tries to strangle Lord Montague, but he escapes. Only to discover the four other men who did get killed were old regimental comrades in Gallipoli. When Scotland Yard gets Monty to gather the other nine surviving officers at his home, one of them is murdered, and no one else has entered the house. Now, they must determine who the murderer is.
Man-Made Women
The man who loved her showed her how to hold the man she loved. A novel picture story packed with drama, thrills and laughs.
The Whip Woman
A different kind of a story about a different kind of a girl---a modern, young cavewoman who whipped her way into the heart of a man who wanted to forget about love!