Paul Guers

Paul Guers

Рождение : 1927-12-19, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France

Смерть : 2016-11-28


Paul Guers (born 19 December 1927) is a French film actor. He appeared in 70 films between 1955 and 1996. He starred in the 1963 film Kali Yug: Goddess of Vengeance.


Paul Guers
Paul Guers


A man who had everything taken away from him, including his family, by his brother teams up with a young card player in order to take revenge on the brother.
Аромат Ивонны
Daniel Hendrickx
Стареющий Виктор вспоминает прекрасные дни 1958 года, когда в швейцарском отеле на озере Женевы он познакомился с очаровательной Ивонн, и аромат ее духов остался с ним навсегда…
Три билета на 26-ое
Max Leehman
Стареющий актер приезжает в город своей юности, где собирается представить публике новый спектакль, рассказывающий о его жизни. В толпе фанатов он не замечает юную поклонницу Марион, девушку с голубыми глазами. Чтобы достать три билета на 26 число для себя и своих подружек Марион, решает добраться до своего кумира и признаться ему в вечной любви. Она и не подозревает, как этот поступок изменит ее жизнь...
Un métier de seigneur
Le curé
Наша история
Роберт Авранш, разрывается между любовью к выпивке и женщине, с которой познакомился в поезде. Режиссёр затрагивает свою излюбленную тему — сексуальная неудовлетворенность женщины, а некоторые сцены кажутся заимствованными из его же предыдущих фильмов...
Sept hommes en enfer
As the outbreak of the Third World War commences, government members of France start hiding in a bunker.
Барышни из Вилько
Jola's Husband
Действие психологической драмы происходит в предвоенной Польше. Главный ее герой — молодой человек Виктор Рубен, который из-за внутреннего опустошения оказывается не в состоянии помочь сестрам — подругам своей юности, задыхающимся в провинциальной глуши города Вилько, нравственно гибнущим на его глазах.
Rod Taylor plays a United Nations bio-warfare disarmament expert whose lonely wife (Catherine Jourdan) has a steamy affair while she's away in France. But soon she finds out the hard way that her lover is not quite the charming and stable guy she thought he was, and starts to fear him and wonder about his true motives.
The Porcelain Anniversary
Guests gather for the porcelain anniversary of a couple. When another woman's husband leaves her in front of everyone's eyes, the anniversary-celebrating husband gallantly makes loves to her in front of the same people. Then a sexual and confessional free-for-all erupts, until one of the wives, repulsed, runs away.
As Long as One Is Intoxicated
The tormented loves of the young Ottavio, first for the countess Gamiani and then for the writer Georges Sand.
Hot Lips
Michel Benoît
Drama about the determined efforts of the wife of a sex researcher to reveal her husband's hypocrisy and get revenge for his humiliating behavior to her.
Flash Love
Erotic Love-Games
Partisan of total sexual freedom, a young woman with perfect physique leads, by her example, a married friend to live like her. The two friends then engage in all kinds of erotic experiences at random from their meetings with various gentlemen, but also between them.
Norman, architecte en vue
Delphine is a country girl who travels to the big city in search of feminine emancipation and freedom. Attending wild parties and nightclubs, she meet a young rock star.
The Curse of Belphegor
Fred Daxo
At the Opera of Toulon, the cast and crew hoping to put on a Satanism / human sacrifice-themed ballet entitled “La malédiction de Belphégor” soon find their numbers dwindling.
Flesh and Fantasy
Sorenson uses diamond robbery money to buy clinic in Corsica. His accomplice Dyonis has disappeared. Sorenson takes Dyonis' wife Valerie as mistress. Valerie takes coral fisherman Bernard as lover. Dyonis appears, Sorenson hopes Dyonis will kill Bernard. Bernard becomes lover of Sorenson's wife Katia. Bernard is found murdered, Valerie blames Sorenson, who tries to escape with his robbery fortune. He is pursued by Dyonis, who kills him. Dyonis is caught by police at airport. Katia drowns herself in the sea.
Hot Frustrations
The Escape
Andrea Fabbri
A young married woman who is desperately unhappy is tempted into a lesbian relationship with an interior decorator.
The Magnificent Cuckold
The Magnificent Cuckold is about a hat tycoon who is ecstatically, if not hungrily, in love with his youthful wife. It is all blissful, that is, until our man, middle-aged and somewhat of a square among his blasé, upper-class friends to whom cuckoldry is a common practice, is seduced by one of them. At this point doubts and suspicions, like conscience, begin to plague him. If he could succumb to extramarital confections, why not his gorgeous mate? Quickly his love for his spouse degenerates beyond obsessive, into the realm of maniacal. He becomes madly concerned that his wife is cheating on him --even though she is not being unfaithful. When he looks at her it becomes obvious to him that she is a very attractive woman. And, all the men around her must be dying to be with her. Gnawed by jealously, he will imagine variations on nabbing her and her lover in flagrante delicto.
Четыре подруги решают открыть агентство добрых услуг.
Amore mio
A man wants to leave his wife for another woman, but this other woman decides not to live with him.
The Mystery of the Indian Temple
Dr. Simon Palmer
Kali-Yug, Goddess of Vengeance
Dr. Simon Palmer
At the end of the 19th century, during the British rule of India, the goddess Kali commits a number of murders, among which the man who was conducting a cargo of serum to a village infected with disease. Worried with the vast number of fatalities that will result from stopping this shipment, Dr. Palmer asks for help from Major Talbot. The Major suspects about the murderer turn onto the doctor, and he must take refuge in the jungle, after faking his own death by a tiger. Help does come in the shapely form of Amrita, a native dancer, who will give him shelter, and will even free him from a gang of robbers. Dr. Palmer still has a number of real and fantastic adventures until he sees an end to his tribulations...
The Reunion
Two members of a former group of friends find themselves after many years by chance through the streets of Milan; after a moment, memories of the past resurface.
Bay of Angels
A bank clerk is drawn into the risky world of a gorgeous gambling addict.
Homenaje a la hora de la siesta
Henri Balmant
The widows of four missionaries condemned by the Indians to die at the stake, go to the Amazon jungle to pay homage to them.
The Girl with the Golden Eyes
Henri Marsay
A man becomes obsessed with a woman, who is unreceptive to his advances. Jealous of her attraction to another, he becomes increasingly desperate. His frustration reaches a peak when the woman hints at another liaison.
Desperate Flight
Le Sahara brûle
The Nabob Affair
Paul Roy
Sergeant X of the Foreign Legion
Henri Mangin
A remake and rewriting by director Bernard Borderie and scripters of a well-made 1932 film, this routine French drama seems a little outdated. The story has changed from a Russian officer who returns home from the war to find his wife has remarried, to a former paratrooper who tries to drive a stolen truck back from Morocco and suffers an accident -- and the same fate as the Russian. As a result of his injuries and the subsequent delay, the ex-military man is unable to get home as scheduled, and the woman he loves decides that he has left her. Once she "realizes" that supposed truth, she decides to marry her boss. As in the earlier film, one of the protagonists ends up in the French Foreign Legion and all three head toward a fateful meeting in a North African desert.
A Game for Six Lovers
Miléna is living in her grandmother's baroque château when the rich lady dies. The lawyer Miguel, who had a previous relationship with Miléna, insists the other two grandchildren, Fifine and her brother Jean-Paul, visit the château for the reading of the will, even though they have been estranged from the family at an early age. However Robert, who had been living with Fifine in an open relationship, arrives and impersonates Jean-Paul. Robert falls for Fifine's cousin Miléna while Fifine has designs on Miguel. In the meantime, the butler César is focusing his lecherous intentions on Prudence, the maid he had just hired.
Прекрасная лгунья
French Ambassador D'Aurignac
Действие фильма происходит в начале XIX века во время знаменитого Венского конгресса, организованного при участии русского императора Александра I. Прекрасная белошвейка Фанни состоит в интимной связи с секретарем Меттерниха, Мартином, и благодаря ему попадает на бал в честь открытия конгресса. Русский царь замечает прекрасную венку и на следующий день посещает ее. Полиция доносит императору, что Фанни — шпионка Наполеона. Так простая девушка вовлекается в сложные международные интриги и ведет себя настолько ловко, что царь жалует ей титул графини. Таким образом, устраняется последнее препятствие на пути ее брака с Мартином.
И приду плюнуть на ваши могилы
Stan Walker
Это история жестокой мести «белого негра» (то есть метиса с ярко выраженными чертами белого человека), Джо Гранта, за линчевание и убийство его младшего брата с темной кожей.
Abbé Yves Le Guen
Неизвестный предатель выдал нацистам участников французского Сопротивления. Уцелевшие члены группы собралась через 15 лет после окончания войны в доме Мари Дюмолен, чтобы разобраться, кто из них предатель.
Тото в Париже
Pierre, figlio di Duclos
Ничто не может заставить Тото покинуть Италию кроме злого рока в лице маркиза Гастона, похожего как две капли воды на Тото. Вот только причина, по которой маркиз замыслил путешествие Тото в Париж, благородной назвать никак нельзя, и ставкой в этой игре будет чья-то жизнь. Но что возьмёт верх, простодушная беспечность Тото или гениальные происки воротил криминального мира?
Повесть о двух городах
Charles Darnay
Адвокат Сидни Картон — уставший от мира, разочарованный алкоголик, который удалился от жизни во всех её проявлениях, пока он не влюбляется в Люси Манетт, дочь французского революционного политического заключённого. Она, между тем, думает о нём только как о друге и выходит замуж за Чарльза Дарнея, потомка французских аристократов…
Les Violents
Philippe de Coppet
Pierre Tercelin who used to be a prosperous industrialist is now ruined and embittered, having become a mere lock keeper. A widower, he lives with his daughter Evelyne, a music-hall dancer. Claiming he is being persecuted by his cousin Edgar he gets in touch again with another cousin of his he hates, Bernard, a millionaire gun runner,who is also a victim of Edgar. It must be said that both Pierre and Bernard once caused Edgar to go bankrupt... Pierre offers Bernard to join efforts against Edgar. Soon after, Bernard dies of poison, which is only the first of a series of acts of violence. Tiercelin is shot at while going back home, Bernard's son is gunned down while his sister Luciane disappears. Chief-inspector Malouvier - who oddly enough looks very much like the suspect- investigates....
White Smoke
David Baker
Sophie Mallet is the lively manager of a detective agency, assisted by Emile Gachit, her conscientious but not very effective right-hand man. One day a fellow named David entrusts her a pack of cigarettes that she is supposed to hand over to a certain John Smith. But David soon disappears while John Smith is murdered. Moreover, a lot of dubious characters prove "very interested" in the pack of cigarettes... Which will keep Sophie and Emile for some time...!
Girl on the Third Floor
Claude Broux
A Parisian reporter tries to exonerate a fugitive neighbor of charges he murdered his wife.
Tower of Lust
Gauthier d'Aunay
France, the beginning of the XIV century. Every night, Queen Margaret of Burgundy and her two sisters arrange orgies, to which beautiful nobles are invited. The young men were brought blindfolded, and after a night of love they were killed and their corpses thrown into the river, because the queen was afraid that her husband would learn about her adventures. One of her lovers managed to escape death. He knows the secrets of the queen, knows that she once gave birth to a son from him, claims that he has evidence that Margarita wanted to kill her father and blackmails her.