Three women in their late 30s recall their memories of their late 20s in Paris. They try to speak them out in French in a while, and it makes their conversation much ingenuous. Two men meeting at a park talk about their bygone relationship, while they just throw seem-to-be meaningless questions to each other. One man and one woman, they somehow argue in a café. Then they start to play Truth or Dare with what happened last night.
Jinmu starts to record things he should remember with a camera after hearing that he could lose his memory due to the prearranged brain surgery. Memories of family and his forgotten father comes to Jinmu's mind as he takes records of his life.
Kwak Jin-mu
Jinmu starts to record things he should remember with a camera after hearing that he could lose his memory due to the prearranged brain surgery. Memories of family and his forgotten father comes to Jinmu's mind as he takes records of his life.
#303 (uncredited)
When her son who lives in a single room is given an outrageous $1,000 water bill, a mother decides to become a detective and find out what is behind it.
Police (uncredited)
Плохой парень, жестокий парень, хромой парень, трусливый парень и подлая женщина оказываются вовлеченными в дело об убийстве красивой студентки.
Muscular Man
Это трагикомичная «летопись» начала половой жизни обычного корейского парня по имени Байюн, которого природа щедро наделила и силой, и статной внешностью, и добрым отзывчивым сердцем. Но вот об одном она похоже впопыхах забыла… Но да не беда! Ведь с помощью доброго совета старого дервиша, пожелавшего отплатить юноше добром за добро мог Байюн разом покончить со всеми своими неприятностями, однако Судьба распорядилась иначе и нежданная радость едва не стоила ему жизни.