On October 30, 1988, the businessman Emiliano Revilla had been kidnapped by ETA for 249 days. After more than eight months of captivity, hopes of liberation were increasingly scarce and very few journalists were still standing guard at the employer's house. María José Sáez, a young editor, formerly of the EFE Agency, was the only one who was close to the house on the night of October 30th.
Manuel Domínguez
The flash of socialism that once lit Spain.
Happiness is not getting what you want but wanting what you have.
Dr. Ferrer
Raquel, a young radio announcer, is deeply in love with Tomás, an Olympic runner. The day she finds a house where they can live together, he collapses during training and is taken to the hospital.
Фильм рассказывает о том как во времена Франко в Испании всех «нежелательных личностей» или оппозиционеров сажали по психиатрическим больницам.
Ernesto de Villamarín
Критическая и горькая хроника провинциальной жизни в Овьедо около 1885 года. В фантасмагорическом поезде «Овьедо-экспресс» путешествуют актеры, которым предстоит представить театральную постановку «Регента» (Кларин). Приезд комиков выйдет за пределы сцены и изменит повседневную жизнь города. Жена мэра попадет в объятия главного действующего лица, а страсти и заблуждения, более или менее прикрытые до тех пор, выйдут на первый план со всеми вытекающими последствиями. Депрессивный актер, разъяренная актриса, самодовольный режиссер, местный журналист, задорная мать и бродящий по городу ангел вызывают забавные и драматические события до тех пор, пока внезапно и неожиданно не опускается занавес.
In a couple, dominates the one that loves less. Julia (Rose Avalon), 17 years old, has a blind in one eye cat and an enormous dependence from his uncle David (Alberto Jiménez), veterinarian, of the one who is deeply fallen in love. Julia makes what is impossible for remaining the greatest possible time beside his uncle David. But David has one very attractive girlfriend, Sara (Belén Fabra). The best friend of Julia is Aparisi (Pau Roca). He's more than a good friend, he loves her in secret. The blind in one eye cat escapes and Julia, beside Aparisi and his uncle David, starts a search through the terrace roofs of the neighborhood that lasts several days.
Like the four seasons, the love history of four friends is recounted at 4 different times. One doesn't love her husband anymore, another is a single mother, the next one has an unfaithful husband and finally there is room for the shy spinster too.
The Devil talks only through an image and tell his stories to an imprisoned writer.
Two strangers flee from their past and settle in an urbanization on the Cádiz coast. There, hundreds of kilometers from Madrid, they try to rebuild their lives, even though the memories are still very strong.
In a Spanish city three young married couples celebrate the failed coupe d'etat of Feb 23rd 1981. They have gone through a lot in life. The country is changing and things will not be the same anymore. Their steps will take them through different walks of life.
Реальная история испанца Рамона Сампедро, который, будучи полностью парализованным около тридцати лет, 2 года боролся за право на добровольный уход из жизни. Фильм рассказывает о его отношениях с двумя женщинами: Джулией, его адвокатом, и подругой Розой, которая пытается убедить Рамона, что жизнь стоит того, чтобы жить. Сила любви Рамона вдохновляет женщин на поступки, которые казались им невозможными. Рамон, несмотря на желание смерти, раскрывает своим друзьям и близким ценность и смысл жизни. Он не может двигаться сам, но может заставить любого изменить течение его жизни.
In late September, Iñigo comes to Madrid to study psychology and stays at the home of his sister Esther, who lives with a porn story writer called Gabriel and that is not going through its best. The three start a relationships sneaking, but neither will find it easy to tell if it's a simple adventure or if they are living a love story.
Publisher (son)
Joaquín Góñez, a novelist in his sixties recalls his emotions, his wild years in Buenos Aires, the memories of old friends, the meaning of loyalty and the intimate relationship with his mother, Roma.
Sonia and Rocio are two friends who are not happy with their lives. Sonia is a fashion executive who hardly sees her son and husband, while Rocio wants to find a good job. Both believe that the life of the other would make them happier.
Кэрол, 12-летняя испано-американская девочка из Нью-Йорка, едет со своей матерью в Испанию весной 1938 года, в самый разгар Гражданской войны. Вдали от любимого отца Кэрол пытается освоиться в родной деревне матери. Ее бунтарская природа поначалу воспринимает окружающий мир в штыки, но со временем у нее появляются верные друзья, среди которых местный мальчик по имени Томиче.
When 10-year-old Nemo's mother suddenly dies, the boy is forced to go live with his maternal uncle's family. They are cordial and treat him well, but his 12-year-old cousin, Iván, begins to tease and tell him stories about the Bogeyman and how he'll come and get him if he doesn't behave. At first young Nemo doesn't believe the stories, insisting that Iván is just making things up...
A women meets a charming man and falls in love, they get married and start a family. As they age and have children, the man's becomes violent and abusive.
Rosa’s calm existence is disrupted by the arrival of the charming adventurer Ivan. Blinded by unconditional and self-destructive love for him, she leaves everything behind to follow him to the end.
Camilo Vallejo
Действие происходит в Аргентине с 1928 по 1936 год. История заключённых, бежавших из тюрьмы. В фильме прослеживается судьба каждого героя, начиная с момента, который привёл его в тюрьму. Как сложится их судьба и смогут ли они жить дальше после того, что пережили?
El Bola is a 12-year-old boy raised in a violent and sordid environment. Embarrassed by his family life, he avoids becoming close to classmates. The arrival of a new boy at school changes his attitude towards his classmates and friendship. The heart of the story is the change in El Bola's life, at almost all levels, after befriending this new classmate.
Man (as Alberto Jimenez Arias)
Before a man can kill his nagging wife as planned, she disappears and he's charged with murder.
Pedro goes out searching for a girl, but the night doesn't seem to be good. While he is talking with a friend, he sees Sara breaking up with a boy. He goes after her, and they end up sleeping in his house. Time goes by and they continue together. But Sara has too many men around and Pablo can't stand that. Their relation is difficult, they love each other but, at the same time, they can not be together.