Eric Civanyan

Eric Civanyan


Eric Civanyan


Stage Director
Conseil de famille
Art Direction
Возвращение любви
Для издания первой книги молодой журналистке Элизе, необходима подпись бывшего бойфренда, что он не против упоминания его имени и подробностей личной жизни в данном издании. За заветным росчерком она, ее подруга и юрист издательства отправляются в далекую и «дремучую» Канаду. Именно там всплывают все подробности истории любви Франсуа и Элизы. Прекрасные лесные пейзажи и чистый воздух делают свое дело. Каждый получает то, чего желал…
Demandez la permission aux enfants !
Never Say... Never!
Paris, 1830. Valentin loses himself in alcohol, gambling and women. He does not believe in life and especially not in love. His uncle Van Buck believes only in the virtues of money and trade. Everything separates them until the day when Van Buck, to improve his public image, wants to make Valentin marry the young and impoverished Baroness Cécile. Valentin, who has absolutely no desire to get married, bets that he can easily seduce her in 24 hours and thus prove that she, like all the others, is not worth loving... But Cécile, who believes in true love, will prove much more difficult to woo than envisaged and Valentin will have to use all possible stratagems to try and win his bet. The game of cat and mouse starts... But who is the cat?
Never Say... Never!
Paris, 1830. Valentin loses himself in alcohol, gambling and women. He does not believe in life and especially not in love. His uncle Van Buck believes only in the virtues of money and trade. Everything separates them until the day when Van Buck, to improve his public image, wants to make Valentin marry the young and impoverished Baroness Cécile. Valentin, who has absolutely no desire to get married, bets that he can easily seduce her in 24 hours and thus prove that she, like all the others, is not worth loving... But Cécile, who believes in true love, will prove much more difficult to woo than envisaged and Valentin will have to use all possible stratagems to try and win his bet. The game of cat and mouse starts... But who is the cat?
Un beau salaud
Etat Critique
Les désirs sauvages de mon mari m'ont presque rendue folle
Чужая родня
Le galériste
Лето 1942 года. Франция оккупирована фашистской Германией. Но хозяина мясной лавки Эдмона Ботиньоля присутствие немецких солдат не слишком тяготит, он больше озабочен тем, что по ночам кто-то крадет из его подвала окорока и сосиски. Его подозрения падают на соседского мальчишку Саймона из еврейской семьи. Когда нацисты начинают депортацию евреев, Ботиньоль не испытывает к ним особого сочувствия. Но однажды на пороге его дома появляется Саймон, сбежавший от немцев. С этого момента флегматичный толстяк Ботиньоль начинает проявлять прямо-таки чудеса отваги и находчивости, чтобы спасти осиротевшего мальчика. Им предстоит совершить путешествие до швейцарской границы, полное опасных и порой забавных приключений, во время которого их взаимоотношения будут меняться от взаимной неприязни до крепкой и искренней дружбы.
Madame Doubtfire
French TV-Movie based on the classic American comedy classic Mrs. Doubtfire.
Espèces menacées
An accountant, presumed honest, inadvertently finds 7 million francs in his bag and decides to change his life.
Tout baigne !
Les aventures tragi-comiques de quelques individus ou comment reagir quand votre maison se retrouve ensevelie sous les eaux, envahie par de droles de personnages et qu'on va accoucher dans les heures qui viennent?
A thriller directed by Eric Civanyan.
Une nana pas comme les autres
Julie Toronto, a 32-year-old dwarf, quit her accounting job in Paris, to be with Antoine Delisles, the man of her life. She started working as a nanny at Antoine's. Julie is delighted: Antoine asked if he could marry her and both of his children love her. However, Antoine who is a lawyer, aspires to be President of the Bar. He understands pretty soon that the job he wants to fill is not necessarily compatible with the love he feels towards Julie Toronto.
Une nounou pas comme les autres
A lawyer finds a special nanny who teaches his children all about prejudice and love.
Pleins feux
Stage Director
A famous actress learns the hard way that the devotion of a young admirer is not what it seems.
Le Gros N'Avion
Appelez-moi Fouks
Le Gaffeur
A good country priest discovers that he is a father and must assume his role, a task all the more delicate since his son is a thug.
Les chômeurs en folie
André and Lucien, two unemployed men with a taste for petty thefts, get embarked on a film project involving Anatole, a young count who lends his castle and his antique camera. But soon problems arise...
Le bahut va craquer