Laura Aliukonytė


Aš gyvas
Camera Operator
Forty year old Tomas Papartis is a regular guy, who lives a regular life. One day due to system failure he is declared dead. His bank card doesn't work anymore, his apartment is sold to the government, as if he had ceased to exist. Here stars Tomas's battle to prove- he's alive!
Новая Литва
Digital Imaging Technician
Перед началом Второй мировой войны географ придумывает план об открытии литовской колонии и пытается донести свою идею до правительства.
The Commission
Camera Operator
For some time now, The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language is at the center of tough discussions. For some, it’s an institution which safeguards the most important principles of the language, but for others, it’s an anachronism of the Soviet regime. This film offers a first-time glimpse into the commission’s work
First Assistant Camera
Транс-человек из маленького городка едет в большой город в поисках возможности быть собой.