Afe lives with his father. There seem to be problems communication at home. Afe plays rugby in a local club. There seem to be communication problems with them his teammates. Afe wants to prove he is good in front of his coach. They seem to exist communication problems between them. Afe is struggling to maintain his composure.
Kate finds herself lost and followed in a foreign city. Despite her attempts to communicate the city reflects her own fear and alienation back at her.
1995 год, Алжир. В хаммаме одного портового города — женский день. На улицах города неспокойно, террористы взрывают бомбы, но собравшиеся в хаммаме женщины стараются об этом не думать и говорят об обычных вещах: о мужчинах, любви, сексе, исламе. Однако спрятаться от окружающей действительности им все же не удастся.
In a fictional society, a county forbids citizens from stepping on the lines from the tiles on the sidewalk.