Melaw Nakehk'o

Melaw Nakehk'o


Melaw Nakehk'o's professional acting debut in The Revenant is the natural progression of her distinguished career as an artist and community leader. Born in Canada's north, raised in the community of Liidlii Kue, Melaw comes from a long line of tribal leaders of the Dehcho Dene & Denesuline people. Melaw attended the prestigious Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, where she earned a degree in 2 dimensional arts. Melaw is also recognized for her exemplary work in revitalizing traditional Indigenous artistic practices, with contemporary applications of ancient techniques. Her work in reviving and teaching moosehide tanning techniques has initiated a resurgence of the practice and shaped a broader community building movement within Canada. She is a Founding Member of Dene Nahjo, and is a regular instructor at the Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning, a land-based university program. Melaw has three sons and lives in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.


Melaw Nakehk'o


K'i Tah Amongst the Birch
Sound Recordist
Filmmaker/activist Melaw Nakehk’o has spent the pandemic with her family at a remote land camp in the Northwest Territories, “getting wood, listening to the wind, staying warm and dry, and watching the sun move across the sky.” In documenting camp life—activities like making fish leather and scraping moose hide—she anchors the COVID experience in a specific time and place.
K'i Tah Amongst the Birch
Filmmaker/activist Melaw Nakehk’o has spent the pandemic with her family at a remote land camp in the Northwest Territories, “getting wood, listening to the wind, staying warm and dry, and watching the sun move across the sky.” In documenting camp life—activities like making fish leather and scraping moose hide—she anchors the COVID experience in a specific time and place.
K'i Tah Amongst the Birch
Filmmaker/activist Melaw Nakehk’o has spent the pandemic with her family at a remote land camp in the Northwest Territories, “getting wood, listening to the wind, staying warm and dry, and watching the sun move across the sky.” In documenting camp life—activities like making fish leather and scraping moose hide—she anchors the COVID experience in a specific time and place.
K'i Tah Amongst the Birch
Filmmaker/activist Melaw Nakehk’o has spent the pandemic with her family at a remote land camp in the Northwest Territories, “getting wood, listening to the wind, staying warm and dry, and watching the sun move across the sky.” In documenting camp life—activities like making fish leather and scraping moose hide—she anchors the COVID experience in a specific time and place.
Действие развивается на Диком Западе в ХIX веке. Уроженец Филадельфии Хью Гласс попадает в плен к индейцам, откуда бежит только через год. Он отправляется в Сент-Луис, где присоединяется к капитану Эндрю Генри и отбивается от атак индейцев возле истоков реки Миссури. Пережив нападения неприятеля, Хью становится жертвой медведя гризли. Гласс серьезно и, похоже, смертельно ранен. Капитан Генри отказывается бросать соратника и везет его с собой к реке Гранд-Ривер. Однако особенности ландшафта не позволяют вернуть умирающего Хью к цивилизации. Генри приказывает двум наемникам остаться с раненым и похоронить его. Но те бросают его, завидев враждебно настроенных индейцев. Гласс чудом остается жив, приходит в себя и отправляется мстить покинувшим его обидчикам.