Rodrigo Gomes


From the Neighbourhood
Sound Mixer
Within the beating heart of Alfama and Mouraria, the hoods meet to tell their story. In a blend of authenticity, roots, traditional music and cause and effect philosophy, they lay it all bare
Profjam #000000
Sound Designer
ProfJam wanted to show the contrast for his debut album and do it using the big screen
Цвет из иных миров
Assistant Sound Editor
Метеорит из глубин космоса принёс на Землю нечто жуткое и необъяснимое. Именно на ферме неподалеку от места падения селится Нейтан Гарднер, рассчитывающий отдохнуть от суеты большого города.
Sound Recordist
An inactive swim coach follows an enigmatic blind man who will help her overcome a past that haunts her and prevents her from practicing her profession.