Saayori is a Bengali short film starring Anindita Bose, Indrashis Roy, Indrajit Mazumder and Koushik Roy. Saayori is an independent girl in an uncommitted relationship with Ryan. Her parents want her to marry Abhro but she isn’t ready yet and wants to focus on her career. Will Saayori take the right decision or succumb to parental pressure?
A biographical drama, Bhagshesh tells the tale of Madhumanti and her relationship with her step-daughter. Madhumanti marries her college friend Amit after his divorce only to take care of his 7-year-old daughter, Pooja. The daughter, devastated by her parents' divorce holds Madhumanti responsible for it, only to realize later that Madhumanti loved her unconditionally.
Medical Student
The film, Ekla Cholo, is a romantic comedy about a woman who wants to become a single mother. Betrayed and disappointed by her last boyfriend; and inspired by her mother, she wishes to ...
Фильм об известном бенгальском режиссере Ритвике Гхатаке. В 1969 году его помещают в больницу для лечения алкогольной зависимости, и здесь он ставит пьесу, в которой играют больные. Кроме этого, рассказывает доктору о своей жизни и творчестве. А поскольку жизнь и внутренний мир героя неотделимы от событий в стране и мире, эти события буквально врываются в повествование.