Швейцария, XIII век. Чтобы защитить свою деревню от жестокости тевтонских рыцарей, молодая повитуха Кристина заключает сделку с самим дьяволом. Но все имеет свою цену: на деревню нападает полчище пауков, и Кристина из спасительницы становится изгоем. Хватит ли ей духа побороть зло, если все вокруг желают ей смерти?
30 years ago, Switzerland was shaken by a scandal that seems to have already been forgotten: more than 900,000 people were surveilled because of their political convictions. Against the backdrop of this "secret files scandal," Micha Lewinsky sets his film. Conscientious policeman Viktor Schuler is tasked by his superior to infiltrate the Schauspielhaus, a renowned Zurich theatre, in order to keep an eye on its leftist scene. However, Viktor finds himself quite taken with the artist's life and falls in love with the subversive actress Odile Lehmann.