Skyler Stucky


Рождество семьи Дженкинс
После похорон отца в начале года, две сестры пытаются отпраздновать рождество всей семьёй и при этом не поссориться. Но прямо во время разгара праздника происходит нечто совсем неожиданное.
You're Not Safe Here
After fleeing her abusive boyfriend, Ava, a pregnant woman, is rescued from a car accident by a friendly married couple. While recovering at their home, she begins to fear the couple may have a sinister plan for her and her unborn baby
Mile High Escorts
Post Production Supervisor
Following the death of a co-worker, a young woman working for a private airline learns the owner's secret and becomes the next target.
Mile High Escorts
Following the death of a co-worker, a young woman working for a private airline learns the owner's secret and becomes the next target.
Комплекс убийцы
Post Production Supervisor
Молодожёны Кэрри и Люк проживают на собственном ранчо, вместе с ними живёт София, девушка, являющаяся конюхом – она занимает небольшое помещение вместе со своей матерью. Однажды на Ранчо появляется Рид – он намного младше Софии, однако несмотря на разницу в возрасте, Рид начинает проявлять внимание к Софии, которая, в свою очередь, с удовольствием отвечает взаимностью. Тем временем Кэрри сильно недовольна тем, что София так безрассудно ввязалась в новые отношении, а всё по тому, что Кэрри убеждена, что Ридом движет исключительно корысть. Однако София не хочет слушать хозяйку и полностью доверяет новому ухажеру, считая, что их любовь взаимна. На этой почве между героинями возникает большая вражда…
Starting Up Love
Post Production Supervisor
A young finance executive inherits her uncle's mountain cabin only to discover that he also left half of it to the ruggedly handsome handyman that had been caring for it.
Starting Up Love
Associate Producer
A young finance executive inherits her uncle's mountain cabin only to discover that he also left half of it to the ruggedly handsome handyman that had been caring for it.
Пригородное убийство
Associate Producer
После гибели своей семьи в автомобильной аварии Меган отчаянно желает узнать о машине, скрывшейся с места ДТП и послужившей причиной главной трагедии её жизни, однако её стремление может привести к очередной череде смертей.
Hidden Family Secrets
Associate Producer
Recently widowed mom, Melanie and her daughter Gabby are adjusting to life after husband and dad Scott died in a tragic boating accident. When Gabby disappears after a heated argument with her mom, authorities and friends fear she’s run away from home. Unwilling to believe her daughter would run off, Melanie is convinced something more sinister is behind her daughter’s disappearance.
Seduced by My Neighbor
Associate Producer
Single mom Sarah moves into the suburbs and starts dating a firefighter, only to find herself the target of an obsessive neighborhood watchman who aims to prove he's the best man to protect her, even if he has to create the danger himself.
My Husband's Secret Wife
Associate Producer
A married woman's life turns upside down when she learns her husband is married to another woman.
My Husband's Secret Wife
A married woman's life turns upside down when she learns her husband is married to another woman.
Dying for the Crown
When Isabelle Wagner takes the plunge to attend her twenty-year high school reunion with her daughter, Sierra, she comes face to face with her past when she is reunited with her former classmate rival, Andrea Turner. When a seemingly changed Andrea insinuates herself into their lives, Isabelle's world comes crashing down and she soon realizes that twenty years hasn't changed Andrea after all.