Peeter Linzbach


Kunstnik Peeter Linzbach
Theater and film artist Peeter Linzbach in Kadriorg Park in Tallinn, at an art exhibition, drawing. Ants Eskola, Ivar Kosenkranius and Veljo Käsper talk about the artist.
Ice Run
Art Direction
Two proud fisherman families live on a very small island in Estonia. The two fishermen have always bore a grudge against each other. Their stubbornness and disobedience to German occupiers leads to dramatic events where staying alive is worse than death. Since it is impossible to escape public contempt, they have to decide how to redeem themselves.
Veealused karid
Art Designer
Tõnis Hoopkaup is the head of a fishing collective in Tagaranna, a village on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. On the day of his wedding to fishing engineer Riina, he receives two important presents – a new trawling net, which he hopes will help him sail past rival collectives, and a cigarette case with an anchor on it. The case reminds him of his soaring pre-war dreams, when he was in love with the daughter of the most powerful man in Tagaranna. But her hard-hearted father put paid to their wedding plans. Now the bookkeeper Lauer has moved into the old house with his sister Lidia, and Tõnis wants to get close to her, as close as he once was with his great love … The personal and professional misconduct of a functionary who risks foundering morals is at the centre of love triangle drama featuring a wealth of local colour and complex characters.
Esimese järgu kapten
Production Design
Много мытарств прошёл Захар Псалтырёв в царском флоте, где мордобой и издевательства над человеком вошли в обычай. Только благодаря природному уму и упорству малограмотный крестьянский парень сумел избежать участи многих своих товарищей, спившихся, потерявших человеческое достоинство. Капитан 1-го ранга Лезвин, командир крейсера "Святослав", сам задыхающийся в тяжёлой атмосфере царского самодержавия, по-отечески полюбил своего вестового за его простую русскую душу, сметливый ум, любовь к родине и ненависть к угнетению. Многому научился Захар у Лезвина, но вскоре им пришлось расстаться. Захар становится активным подпольщиком-большевиком. В борьбе и мирном труде прошли годы войн и революций. Настал день, когда матрос Захар Псалтырёв возвращается на свой корабль капитаном 1-го ранга и становится его командиром.
Days of June
Art Direction
Peeter Saarmann has grown up in the Raidma family with the knowledge that his father was a casualty of war and mother died during evacuation. He is a university student who prepares to get married. During renovation Peeter finds a pre-war newspaper article about an enterprise that seems to upset his stepfather. The night before his wedding day, Peeter runs into a drunk man who calls Peeter an illegitimate offspring. When Peeter hears the truth about his real parents from his stepfather, he has the feeling that this could become crucial for his future plans.
Когда наступает вечер
Production Design
Фильм-концерт из фрагментов оперы Густава Эрнесакса "Берег бурь" в исполнении хора и оркестра Государственного академического театра оперы и балета "Эстония" и отрывков из балета Эугена Каппа "Калевипоэг" ("Сын Калевала").