Gabriel Ureklyan


Бывший бай Абдулло, после прихода советской власти ставший бандитом, мечтает взять в жёны красавицу Пэри, внучку бедного охотника Шо-Мурадф. Чтобы добиться согласия девушки, он захватывает в плен её деда. На помощь Пэри приходит Джульбарс, верный пёс, которого она вырастила и подарила советским пограничникам.
A saboteur sneaks into Tajikistan. Having killed a collective farm instructor, according to his documents, he arrives at the collective farm. He manages to persuade the collective farmer Kamil to emigrate. Having experienced the brunt of the exploitation of the Muslim clergy and the bourgeoisie, Kamil flees to his homeland and exposes the enemy.
Когда умирают эмиры
It depicts the establishment of kolkhoz (collective farming) in Bukhara. Poor dehkans are oppressed by bays and emir. One of them, unable to bear the slave labor, flees from his native land. A few years later, the fugitive returns and becomes an activist of the collective farm movement. Kulaks kill him and try to flood the collective farm fields with water. However, collective farmers stop the sabotage and reveal the secret of the murdered activist. The perpetrators are justifiably punished.