Samantha Helt

Samantha Helt


Samantha Helt
Samantha Helt


Doin' It
The woman
After teenage Maya is caught in a sexually compromising position, her mom moves the family back to India so Maya can learn proper discipline. Years later, she returns to the US to find funding for her teen-focused app, and gets a job as a substitute high school teacher so she can research her target demo. But when the principal assigns her to teach sex ed, Maya —who’s still a virgin— sets out on a quest with her best friend to make up for the high school experience she lost out on.
Hello Stranger
Faye attempts to replace her newly deceased husband, Evan, with an android simulant (SIM). Although SIM Evan appears like human Evan in every way, Faye does not feel the same love for SIM Evan as it does for her. SIM Evan tries to win Faye back while at the same time being on-the-run from a government agent chasing down SIMs who have become “conscious” and could potentially be a threat to humankind.
Scentsational Christmas
Ellie decides to go back home for Christmas, and help her dad with the candle-making business. Little does she know, however, that her father has charming, writer Logan staying with him, looking for inspiration for his writings.
Рождественские каникулы
Monique Monteith
Учительница Эддисон Тейт хочет, чтобы это Рождество было особенным для учеников, ведь школьный совет решил, что школа закрывается. В город возвращается голливудский актер и друг Эдди и вместе они делают всё, чтобы спасти школу.
Christmas Wedding Planner
Bitter Bridesmaid
Wedding Planner, Kelsey Wilson, is about to have her big break: planning her beloved cousin's lavish and exclusive wedding. Everything is going smoothly until Connor McClane, a devilishly handsome private investigator, shows up and turns Kelsey's world upside-down. Hired by a secret source, Connor quickly disrupts the upcoming nuptials but wins Kelsey's heart in the process.
Hotwired in Suburbia
High school friends Emily and Max make extra cash by hot-wiring cars but when their shop teacher discovers what they're up to and gets involved, things get a lot more dangerous.
Мальчики против девочек
Лето 1990 года. Лагерю Киндлвуд впервые за свою историю пришлось объединить раздельные смены для девочек и мальчиков в одну. Роджер, директор лагеря, изо всех сил пытается найти способ сгладить ситуацию и примирить обе стороны, но его план проваливается, и между парнями и девушками начинается настоящая война