Self (archive footage)
The short film is based on a poem by Jacques Prévert. The poem speaks of the irony of the fact that the newspaper warns us about deforestation although they are made of paper themselves.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
"Vian Bubbles" - On June 23, 2009, fifty years to the day after the death of Boris Vian, a supernatural phenomenon crosses all of France: in the streets, one sings everywhere his songs and one expresses oneself only in the language of the poet. In Paris, Antoine de Caunes wakes up to discover the strange "vianic" epidemic, which also affects radio waves and the small screen. A boss of channel proposes to him to organize, for the same evening, a show dedicated to the songs of Boris Vian. Jean-Pierre Marielle tells us the story of this phenomenon, as supernatural as inexplicable. A tribute in songs to the glowing cast.
Scenario Writer
The choreographer brings the Paris of yesteryear back to life: the city of the Boulevard du Crime from the first half of the 19th century, with its artists, theaters, and cabarets. In a staging reminiscent of a movie set, the mime Baptiste bathes in his memories, tell about his encounter with Garance, his impossible love for a marvelous yet unattainable woman, the magical universe of the stage, life behind the scenes, and the tenuous line performers maintain between reality and illusion. Marc-Oliver Dupin's original score provides the musical backdrop for a choreography alternating between larger ensemble numbers and intimate love duets.
Self (archive footage)
Много лет славным королевством Тахикардия правит тиран Карл V+III=VIII+VIII=XVI. Его ненавидят все, но только смелая птица Пересмешник не боится говорить, что король глуп, смешон и косоглаз. Никто не знает, что Карл тайно влюблен в очаровательную Пастушку, чей портрет он хранит в своих покоях. А напротив висит портрет ненавистного Трубочиста, влюбленного в Пастушку. Однажды ночью, Пастушка и Трубочист оживают и сбегают из дворца. Тут же оживает и коварный портрет Карла, который занимает место настоящего короля и приказывает любой ценой изловить беглецов. Спасутся ли возлюбленные от королевских лазутчиков и их огромного железного робота? Их единственная надежда — мудрый Пересмешник, который не бросит своих новых друзей в беде!
Много лет славным королевством Тахикардия правит тиран Карл V+III=VIII+VIII=XVI. Его ненавидят все, но только смелая птица Пересмешник не боится говорить, что король глуп, смешон и косоглаз. Никто не знает, что Карл тайно влюблен в очаровательную Пастушку, чей портрет он хранит в своих покоях. А напротив висит портрет ненавистного Трубочиста, влюбленного в Пастушку. Однажды ночью, Пастушка и Трубочист оживают и сбегают из дворца. Тут же оживает и коварный портрет Карла, который занимает место настоящего короля и приказывает любой ценой изловить беглецов. Спасутся ли возлюбленные от королевских лазутчиков и их огромного железного робота? Их единственная надежда — мудрый Пересмешник, который не бросит своих новых друзей в беде!
In Paul Grimault's satire of the arms trade, the dealer is alerted to the breakout of war by a signal on his map, so travels in turn to each of two warring countries (his journey is traced for us on the map), selling to each the means of destroying its neighbour. —The Cine-Tourist
The cruel Professor Savantas invites himself into an oasis cut off from the world to recover a huge diamond, which is the totem of the indigenous population and the keystone of the magical balance of the place.
The cruel Professor Savantas invites himself into an oasis cut off from the world to recover a huge diamond, which is the totem of the indigenous population and the keystone of the magical balance of the place.
Once upon a time there lived in the same village two men bearing the very same name. One of them chanced to possess four horses, the other had only one horse, so, by way of distinguishing them from each other, the proprietor of four horses was called "Great Claus," and he who owned but one horse was known as "Little Claus"...
Once upon a time there lived in the same village two men bearing the very same name. One of them chanced to possess four horses, the other had only one horse, so, by way of distinguishing them from each other, the proprietor of four horses was called "Great Claus," and he who owned but one horse was known as "Little Claus"...
Once upon a time there lived in the same village two men bearing the very same name. One of them chanced to possess four horses, the other had only one horse, so, by way of distinguishing them from each other, the proprietor of four horses was called "Great Claus," and he who owned but one horse was known as "Little Claus"...
Once upon a time there lived in the same village two men bearing the very same name. One of them chanced to possess four horses, the other had only one horse, so, by way of distinguishing them from each other, the proprietor of four horses was called "Great Claus," and he who owned but one horse was known as "Little Claus"...
Documentary filmed during the shooting of “À Valparaiso” which shows the children’s reactions to the performance of a circus show. “It is the tender gaze of a poet on the smallest circus in the world and his audience of children”.
Documentary filmed during the shooting of “À Valparaiso” which shows the children’s reactions to the performance of a circus show. “It is the tender gaze of a poet on the smallest circus in the world and his audience of children”.
Фильм состоит из четырёх новелл, рассказывающих о знаменитых любовных историях, но не претендующих при этом на историческую достоверность.
The horses in Denys Colomb Daunant’s dream poem are the white beasts of the marshlands of the Camargue in South West France. Daunant was haunted by these creatures. His obsession was first visualized when he wrote the autobiographical script for Albert Lamorisse’s award-winning 1953 film White Mane. In this short the beauty of the horses is captured with a variety of film techniques and by Jacques Lasry’s beautiful electronic score.
A look at Paris in 1928 in black and white and then color sequences filmed in the same places in 1959.
A look at Paris in 1928 in black and white and then color sequences filmed in the same places in 1959.
This short documents the important role played by bread in the daily life of the city of Paris.
A poetic ode to the River Seine, Ivens' distinguished camera eye surveys its lively banks and step-stone canals with a vérité candor, a beguiling elan.
Цыганка Эсмеральда своей красотой сводит с ума мужчин. В неё тайно влюблён Клод Фроло, суровый священник из Собора Парижской Богоматери. Воспитанник святого отца, горбун Квазимодо, также очарован смуглой плясуньей. А девушка хранит верность аристократу по прозвищу Феб. Одурманенный ревностью священник ранит его. В преступлении обвиняют Эсмеральду и судьи приговаривают девушку к смерти через повешение. Феб не делает ничего ради её спасения, но на помощь любимой приходит горбун Квазимодо...
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
Original Film Writer
Два безработных музыканта искали хоть какой-нибудь источник пропитания. Нашли — работу в женском оркестре.
Narrator (voice)
An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by palace guards and is imprisoned. Realizing Abdullah's love for his donkey, Massoud becomes ashamed of his meanness and frees Bim and Abdullah. However, the donkey eats Massoud's father's lunch and is taken to a butcher. Abdullah and Massoud try to rescue Bim from the butcher, but robbers get there first and steal the donkey along with the butcher's goods. The robbers escape to the sea, and Abdullah and Massoud stage one last rescue attempt with all of their friends to try to save Bim.
An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by palace guards and is imprisoned. Realizing Abdullah's love for his donkey, Massoud becomes ashamed of his meanness and frees Bim and Abdullah. However, the donkey eats Massoud's father's lunch and is taken to a butcher. Abdullah and Massoud try to rescue Bim from the butcher, but robbers get there first and steal the donkey along with the butcher's goods. The robbers escape to the sea, and Abdullah and Massoud stage one last rescue attempt with all of their friends to try to save Bim.
Scenario Writer
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Self (uncredited)
Documentary filmmaker Nicole Vedre's first semi-fictional feature was released in France in 1949 as La Vie Commence Demain. The film made it to the U.S. in 1952 as Life Begins Tomorrow. Made in cooperation with UNESCO, the film speculates on the future of mankind after the advent of Atomic Energy. Many prominent French artists and intellects contribute to the narration: Jean-Pierre Aumont plays The Man of Today, Andre Labarthe is the Man of Tomorrow, and Jean-Paul Sartre, Daniel Agache, Jean Rostand, Le Corbusier, Pablo Picasso and Andre Gide are respectively seen as "The Existentialist," "The Psychiatrist,' "The Biologist," "The Architect," "The Artist" and "The Author" (talk about typecasting!) Film clips of hospitals, schoolrooms, scientific laboratories, and even nightclubs are woven into Vedre's fascinating tapestry.
Послевоенная Италия. В Вероне и Венеции снимают фильм по трагедии У. Шекспира "Ромео и Джульетта" с рабочим названием "Любовники Вероны". В процессе съемок актерам потребовались дублёры. Актер, играющий Ромео, страдает головокружением и не может подниматься по веревочной лестнице. Актриса, играющая Джульетту пригласила статистку для сцен, которые снимают под ярким освещением. Так на съемки фильма попали молодой стеклодув Анжело и юная Жоржия Малья - дочь опального прокурора времен Муссолини. Неожиданно, события "за кадром" начинают напоминать события, происходившие в знаменитой драме Шекспира...
A budding romance between two toy dancers is put into dangers when the boy is conscripted into the toy army.
A budding romance between two toy dancers is put into dangers when the boy is conscripted into the toy army.
Bitru is a carefree fellow who, one day, decides to buy a houseboat on the River Seine. He moves there and starts living surrounded by a circle of colorful friends. Among them, the daughter of an auto maker but also a group of scientists who have developed "Aqua Simplex", a device that could enable motorists to fill their tanks with... water ! Panic sets in in the automobile industry and Bitru is appointed his friends' middle man to represent them on the various car makers directors' boards.
Scenario Writer
Children imprisoned during pre-war France decide to escape.
Paris, during the winter after its Liberation: Jean Diego meets up with his friend Raymond Lecuyer again. A tramp predicts Jean will meet the most beautiful girl in the world, and that same evening Jean meets Malou. But he soon discovers that her brother Guy was the one that gave his friend Raymond away to the Gestapo...
The bell ringer at a way station in the French Alps, murders a passing horse trader with a thrown rock and relieves him of his bankroll, in order to bribe the daughter of his only friend, a head injury victim considered the village simpleton, into marrying him, despite her love for a lowly woodsman who is, in turn, being cajoled into marriage by the daughter of the wealthy innkeeper.
The bell ringer at a way station in the French Alps, murders a passing horse trader with a thrown rock and relieves him of his bankroll, in order to bribe the daughter of his only friend, a head injury victim considered the village simpleton, into marrying him, despite her love for a lowly woodsman who is, in turn, being cajoled into marriage by the daughter of the wealthy innkeeper.
Действие картины разворачивается в Париже 20-30-х 19-го века. Это обширный рассказ о безответной любви, тайных романах, ревностии страсти в мире театра, преступности и аристократии. «Дети райка»- это бедняки, занимающие галерку театров в «Бульвар Дю Темпль». Они становятся свидетелями истории любви театрального мима Баптиста и его обожаемой Гаранс.
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
A shimmering glass hotel at the top of a remote Provençal mountain provides the setting for a tragicomic tapestry about an obsessive love pentangle, whose principals range from an artist to a hotel manager to a dam worker.
На исходе XV века, то есть в самый разгар французского Ренессанса, в замок богатого вдовца наезжают два менестреля, Жиль и Доминик. По тем временам скучающие сеньоры радовались любым гостям, а уж менестрелям и подавно.
A married tugboat captain falls for a woman he rescues from a sinking ship.
Scenario Writer
A married tugboat captain falls for a woman he rescues from a sinking ship.
A man beset by creditors invents a fictitious partner
Франсуа, потертый жизнью, романтический одиночка, забаррикадировался в своей квартире после совершения преступления на почве страсти — он убил развратного Валентина.
Пока полиция окружает его дом в Нормандии, Франсуа вспоминает двух женщин, которых он любил — Франсуазу и Клару — и Валентина, мужчину, который причинил горе им обеим.
Солдат колониальных войск Жан приезжает в Гавр, надеясь сесть на корабль и уплыть далеко, далеко — для этого у него есть причины, точно в фильме не указанные. Он знакомится с прекрасной девушкой Нелли и между ними возникает любовь с первого взгляда. Сильный, сдержанный и немногословный Жан может и хулигана проучить, и вести себя с достоинством и гордостью парижанина. Ему везет — он получает в подарок и гражданскую одежду, и паспорт; корабельный врач предлагает ему место в своей каюте, но пощечины, выданные публично местному молодому бандиту, обусловили печальный конец этой романтической истории.
A French farce set in Victorian London where a botanist and his wife get into trouble when they pretend to go missing in order to hide from their sanctimonious cousin - an Anglican bishop who is leading a campaign against such writing.
When her fiancé breaks off their engagement, Danielle leaves London and returns to her mother, Jenny, in Paris. With her business partner Benoît, Jenny runs what appears to be a respectable nightclub – it is in fact a place where wealthy men can buy the favours of attractive young women. Oblivious to her mother's professional and personal life, Danielle meets a handsome young man named Lucien, and falls in love with him – not realising that he is Jenny's lover...
Мсье Амедей Ланж — скромный автор французских романов об американском Диком Западе. Его жадный босс Батала постоянно обкрадывает писателя. Мало того, он расхищает средства компании, бежит, а позже поступает сообщение, что он погиб во время крушения поезда. Работники издательства вне себя от радости, они организуют кооператив и зарабатывают кучу денег на новой серии Ланжа «Аризона Джим»…
Мсье Амедей Ланж — скромный автор французских романов об американском Диком Западе. Его жадный босс Батала постоянно обкрадывает писателя. Мало того, он расхищает средства компании, бежит, а позже поступает сообщение, что он погиб во время крушения поезда. Работники издательства вне себя от радости, они организуют кооператив и зарабатывают кучу денег на новой серии Ланжа «Аризона Джим»…
There's never a dull moment at the Hôtel du Libre Echange. Deceptions, hitches and other misunderstandings make a few people mingle whereas, for their own sake, they should not. An example among others: an expert who has come to the hotel for professional reasons had better not meet his wife, who is there to cheat on him with his best friend.
An intelligent young worker, enterprising but boastful, repeats to all the winds that, if he were the boss, we would see what we would see. One of the main shareholders of the factory takes him at his word for twenty-four hours.
Extra at Station (uncredited)
Непритязательная житейская история женитьбы капитана баржи «Аталанта» Жана на деревенской девушке Жюльетте, их свадебного путешествия по каналам Франции к Парижу в сопровождении юнги-несмышленыша и несуразного «морского волка» папаши Жюля…
The Donkey
Duparquet is the controller of Les Halles, and plays matchmaker between the young farm-girl Ciboulette and Antonin, a young spoiled aristocrat.
Prix et Profits is a 20-minute short film originally made for educational purposes and released in 9.5mm format. As the title suggests, the film follows the supply chain of a potato, from farmers to consumers, and examines the mechanisms of capitalism.
Le flûtiste (uncredited)
Benjamin Déboisé, a hatter, his salesman and a young man want to kidnap an American millionaire, put him in a bag and hold him to ransom. But they make a mistake: the fellow they find in the bag is not the millionaire himself, but his son...!
Benjamin Déboisé, a hatter, his salesman and a young man want to kidnap an American millionaire, put him in a bag and hold him to ransom. But they make a mistake: the fellow they find in the bag is not the millionaire himself, but his son...!
Passer-by in the Street (uncredited)
Шокирующе-насмешливый видеоряд подспудных страстей, разрушающих социальные ценности и запреты.