Asghar Nejadimani


Production Designer
Atabai lives with his father and his niece in the village of Pirkandi (Khoi). He was an architecture student at Tehran University of Fine Arts many years ago and left school a year after graduating because of the emotional problems caused by his unexpected love for his colleague....
Costume Design
Иран, 70-е годы прошлого века. Это история маленькой девочки, живущей с отцом и бабушкой и погружённой в свой детский сюрреалистический мир, наполненный мечтами и фантазиями.
Production Design
Иран, 70-е годы прошлого века. Это история маленькой девочки, живущей с отцом и бабушкой и погружённой в свой детский сюрреалистический мир, наполненный мечтами и фантазиями.
The Paternal House
Costume Designer
A young woman is murdered by her own father, with the help of her younger brother. She is secretly buried in the cellar, a space where the women of the family weave carpets and perform other domestic chores. Her loss, or perhaps her presence, continues to haunt the family as it reverberates through the following generations. Ayyari’s film is staged exclusively in this house and was banned several times in Iran.
The Paternal House
Production Designer
A young woman is murdered by her own father, with the help of her younger brother. She is secretly buried in the cellar, a space where the women of the family weave carpets and perform other domestic chores. Her loss, or perhaps her presence, continues to haunt the family as it reverberates through the following generations. Ayyari’s film is staged exclusively in this house and was banned several times in Iran.
Персидский ковёр
Production Design
«Персидский ковёр» - фильм, созданный Иранским национальным ковровым центром и Фондом кино «Фараби», где 15 известных иранских режиссеров предоставили фильмы на тему персидского ковра. Ковры являются отражением культурной и исторической идентичности Ирана.