Lilian Pärni


Forest Giant
Member of Election Campaign
Pasi returns to his childhood town, asked to reconfigure the local plywood factory. With a child on the way with his upper-class wife, Pasi sees an opportunity – this is his ticket to climb the professional ladder in the company. On arrival, he bumps into his childhood friend Janne, who works in the factory he is about to downsize. Pasi begins to struggle with the fact that he is supposed to care for the profits – not for the people.
Museum Visitor / Woman in Prams / Woman in the Park (uncredited)
Year 1915. Helene Schjerfbeck lives as a forgotten artist with her elderly mother in the countryside. It has been years since the last exhibit, and Helene continues to paint only because of her passion. Everything changes when art dealer finds Helen and her 159 wonderful paintings - and wants to organize a big private exhibit. However, Helen's turning point comes only when she is introduced to Einar Reuter. Young Einar is a forester, art enthusiast, and a passionate admirer of Helene's work. He becomes Helen's trusted and lover.
Стальные леди
Waitress at Motel
75-летняя Инкери огрела мужа по голове сковородкой и сбежала со своими сёстрами. Путешествие по Финляндии сопровождается встречами с очаровательными попутчиками, нежными воспоминаниями и «грязными» танцами. Инкери находит свои записи университетских времён, встречает человека, в которого была влюблена в молодости. В памяти всплывают мечты тех дней, позже похороненные под гнётом патриархального брака. Инкери предстоит принять очень важное решение в отношение оставшейся жизни, сделав выбор между счастьем и условностями.