First Assistant Director
A policewoman loses her job after she poses naked for an erotic magazine. Based on a true story.
Assistant Director
On the day of her wedding to her sixth husband, a glamorous silver screen sex symbol is asked to intervene in a political dispute between nations, which leads to chaos.
Assistant Director
При скоплении большого числа авантюристов и просто джентльменов удачи на небольшой территории действует один закон, если не обманешь ты – обманут тебя. Запутавшийся в долгах честный ковбой и его не особо преуспевший в делах друг связываются с теневыми делишками хитрого владельца ранчо. Парни забыли, что бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке, за что и расплачиваются весь фильм...
Assistant Director
This is a bawdy burlesque version of the famous fairy tale. Instead of Gepetto, the old-man woodcarver, we have Geppeta, an apparently frustrated and nubile young virgin. Geppeta carves Pinocchio for herself as a gorgeous young hunk. Geppeta's fairy godmother, a blonde played by Dyanne Thorne, magically transforms the young stud Pinocchio into a living man, who is quickly brought to work in the local whorehouse as a prize stud and exhibitionist. Nothing -- not even sex -- is taken seriously in this lighthearted, semi-pornographic offering. The film was originally rated X, but was later re-edited and given an R by the MPAA in 1977