Фильм рассказывает о временах британского правления в Египте и действиях египтян, направленных против этой тирании. Премьер-министра страны убивает молодой революционер, и теперь он вынужден пуститься в бега. Он находит приют в равнодушной к политическим волнениям семье, которая теперь, скрывая беглеца, рискует слишком многим.
Ismail wants to grab his wife's Turkish money, claiming that he has the children of a former wife who died, and that he can not spend on them, but Ismail does not realize that this little lie has left him in an endless series of lies, Of each lie with a greater lie, and every time the wife deals with him in good faith.
The millionaire loves the sister of the observer claiming that he is a simple employee in the same millionaire company, love him and pay him without knowing that this millionaire is the one who filled her family money. But the girl does not weigh the money that filled her family, especially after moving to a rich neighborhood, but prefer to live in their apartment in the popular neighborhood, and ends the position that the worker lose the bet, and know the sister of the observation of the reality of the young man whom he loved and married,