Ricardo Amador


Heart of the Warrior
Beldar and Sonja, a couple of thieves belonging to the legendary world of sword and sorcery, steal a precious stone shaped like a human heart in the gloomy crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, an evil sect of powerful wizards. To flee the scene realize that the gem is cursed and sent them his spell. After losing consciousness, Beldar awakens in another world, metamorphosed into the body of a teenager of sixteen Madrid eaten by acne.
Spanish Fly
Gypsy Boy
A woman journalist, Zoe, knows better than to go into a story with her mind already made up. But that's exactly what she does when she heads off to Spain to write about its men and their macho take (as she sees it) on relationships. As she tries to prove her thesis, she soon realizes that she doesn't know as much about the male sex as she thought. She also finds herself involved in relationships with the wrong men.
Tengo una casa
Nico is a guitarist who , after eleven years playing from town to town , is expelled from the orchestra unable to suppress the power within. Only in the road Nico meets Ferrari, a young man traveling with his girlfriend but has also left alone, and that will run from the police in a dilapidated 1500 . Their meeting is not exactly cordial , but Nico does not want to keep walking and Ferrari needs someone to push the vehicle . So they decide to stay together , but the journey is interrupted when they steal the car. Lost in the night, Nico and Ferrari 1500 found in a small wooden house in the woods , owned by " The Hot Rod " . The Hot Rod, well known for his radio listeners, is a man of integrity , who has not left gobble by commercial radio circuits formula .
Анхель сложное творение. Воспринимая себя получеловеком-полуангелом, полуживым-полумёртвым, он следует голосу, доносящемуся из Космоса. По долгу службы он прибывает в небольшой провинциальный городок на борьбу с мокрицами, которые в огромных количествах развелись в земле и портят местное вино, делая его терпким и придавая ему земляной вкус. Разрываясь между человеческой и ангельской сторонами своей натуры, Анхель оказывается в любовном треугольнике — с одной стороны он влюбляется в скромную замужнюю Анхелу, с другой — в страстную, ветреную красавицу Марию.
La niña de tus sueños
Film centred around a mother, Françoise, who is HIV positive and her young daughter Ana.