Nahed Sabry


Nar Elshouq
(Sabah), the famous singer, agrees that her daughter (Howaida) will travel to Cairo in one of the nightclubs. Howaida meets (Sherif) and loves him, the sheriff tells his father Hassan that he wants to marry Howaida, the father denounces his son's behavior, as he had previously stood against his brother (Ali )’s marriage to Howaida's mother and still lives memories of his love for her, Sharif finds no way but To tell his uncle of his tragedy, he encourages him to continue to love and preserve him and win the heart of the one he loves.
The Watchman
In a suspenseful and dramatic setting, the story unfolds around a night guard who develops feelings for a beautiful widow in the neighborhood he watches over during the night. In the same residence, a painter resides who creates a painting for her. Believing there is a connection between the painter and the widow, the night guard proposes to her, but she rejects him. Subsequently, a burglary occurs in the house, resulting in the theft of the painting. However, a fire breaks out in the night guard's own house, ultimately aiding in the revelation of his crime.
Fire in My Heart
Dr. Shawki (Ahmed Mazhar) falls in love with piano teacher Laila (Maryam Fakhruddin), and they get married. With his constant debts, Leila decides to give piano lessons to Alia Hanim's daughter Aida secretly to pay the debts, but things take a bad turn when Aida's brother spreads nasty rumors about her.
Amirat el Arab
Directed by Niazi Mostafa.
Любовь и мечта
Действие происходит в Порт-Саиде в начале 1960-х годов. Дочь богатого предпринимателя Надья и сын рыбака Хосни любят друг друга. Но их разделяет пропасть социального неравенства. Отец Надьи обещал дочь в жёны своему племяннику Рифату и просит Хосни, который работает у него, не встречаться с Надьей. Юноша соглашается. Молодые люди тяжело переживают вынужденную разлуку. Видя, насколько сильна и глубока любовь Надьи и Хосни, Рифат возвращает девушке свободу. Теперь ничто не мешает свадьбе молодых людей.