Sean Callinan


Sex Is a Four Letter Word
Title Designer
Some people say love is sex, sex is love. While others say sex is a four letter word. Sylvia is a love columnist who is writing a book on love stories. On a warm summer night she has invited six friends to tell true stories of their intimate love and sexual experiences. During the course of the evening the boundaries between love, sex and friendship narrow. People are exposed, fears are shared, friendships tested and relationships are destroyed and new ones formed. SEX IS A FOUR LETTER WORD is a contemporary film about love in the 1990s.
Sex Is a Four Letter Word
Production Design
Some people say love is sex, sex is love. While others say sex is a four letter word. Sylvia is a love columnist who is writing a book on love stories. On a warm summer night she has invited six friends to tell true stories of their intimate love and sexual experiences. During the course of the evening the boundaries between love, sex and friendship narrow. People are exposed, fears are shared, friendships tested and relationships are destroyed and new ones formed. SEX IS A FOUR LETTER WORD is a contemporary film about love in the 1990s.
Sex Is a Four Letter Word
Art Direction
Some people say love is sex, sex is love. While others say sex is a four letter word. Sylvia is a love columnist who is writing a book on love stories. On a warm summer night she has invited six friends to tell true stories of their intimate love and sexual experiences. During the course of the evening the boundaries between love, sex and friendship narrow. People are exposed, fears are shared, friendships tested and relationships are destroyed and new ones formed. SEX IS A FOUR LETTER WORD is a contemporary film about love in the 1990s.
Духи воздуха и облачные гремлины
Production Design
Средь пустынных равнин постапокалипсического вида в полузаброшенном жилище обитают два персонажа, брат и сестра: слегка чокнутый изобретатель в инвалидной коляске и безумная сестрица, одержимая религиозным фетишом на тему христианской и шаманской символики, склонная к разыгрыванию ритуально-мистических перформансов. В их затейливый мирок вторгается третий неврастенический персонаж: этакий загадочный странник, брутальный паренек, чуть что хватающийся за нож, коих таскает с собой целую коллекцию, видимо тоже своего рода фетишист, попавший в "свою" компанию. Загадочный странник, на самом деле беглец, пытающийся уйти на север от не менее загадочных преследователей. Однако, по словам братца изобретателя, путь на севере преграждает стена отвесных утесов, но у него есть гениальный замысел, идея фикс, не дававшая покоя и удовлетворенности ему уже долгое время, воплотив которую, незнакомец мог бы спастись. Выбора нет - беглец соглашается на риск.
Strange Residues
Title Designer
Dreams. What are they? Is it possible they can be used by strange beings from another planet to manipulate man? This man is dreaming. Could it be that at this very moment his dreams are being structured by a beam from outer space?