Miho Suzuki


Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis
Key Animation
Shimajiro and friends embark on a journey through the desert to help young Coco reunite with her mother after being separated in a fierce sandstorm.
Key Animation
High school students Miho and Shouta are preparing for college entrance examinations. Miho comes from an island without even one cram school, while Shouta lives in Tokyo and works a part-time job. Both are striving to pass exams so they can enter college. The pair enroll in Z-Kai's correspondence education courses, and their lives cross before they realize it.
Hal's Flute
Key Animation
Детектив Конан 15: Четверть тишины
Key Animation
Неизвестный злоумышленник покушается на губернатора Токио во время предвыборной компании на открытии новой линии метрополитена. Варианты кому мог бы насолить удачливый градоначальник оказываются не так велики. "След" преступника ведет в неприметную деревеньку рядом с дамбой, а в расследование оказываются втянуты давние школьные друзья. В этот раз дело осложняется тем, что преступление не одно, и коварные планы истинного преступника в очередной раз могут "зацепить" близких людей Эдогавы Конан-куна.
Flag Director's Edition: Issenman no Kufura no Kiroku
Key Animation
Director's cut release of the war/mecha anime series "FLAG" features famous scenes from the series edited together into a cohesive, realistic story about war. Camerawoman Shirasu Saeko's photo of residents of a war-torn Asian country struggling to raise the flag of the UN became the symbol for the movement of peace across the land. However, on the eve of a truce, the actual flag captured in the photo is stolen and war once again threatens to plague the land. To return the flag and establish peace in the land, the UN sends a lone mechanical army called the SDC (pronounced as Seedac—Special Development Command).
Animal Crossing: The Movie
Key Animation
This is the story of a young self-reliant girl called Ai, who one day, moves into the Animal Village. While working at Tom Nook's shop "Nook's Cranny" she begins living her life away from her family. To begin with, she doesn't know left from right, but under the guidance of Mayor Tortimer, the angry but correct Mr. Resetti, and the wandering musician K.K. Slider among others, she is eventually accepted as a member of the village. One night as she walked along the beach, she finds a message in the bottle. It sets her off on a quest of planting pine trees around the village to fulfill a miracle on the eve of the Winter Festival