Sophie Hardy

Sophie Hardy

Рождение : 1944-10-04, Paris - France


Sophie Hardy


Scénarios sur la Drogue
Segment "La Purée"
Дорога на Салину
Молодой бродяга-хиппи Джонас, без денег, голодный и уставший от утомительного путешествия по мексиканской пустыне, забредает на придорожную заправку. Здесь его встречает измученная от горя женщина по имени Мара, которая моментально признаёт в нём своего исчезнувшего четыре года назад сына Рокки. Будучи в затруднительном положении, Джонас принимает правила игры. И через день знакомится с Билли – его «сестрой»»...
Taste of Excitement
A man has been killed on the Dover/Boulogne car ferry. What is the connection between him and the attempts being made to kill Jane Kerrell, a young girl in her early twenties? As she speeds through the French countryside to the South of France, several attempts are made on her life as she is deliberately forced off the road by another car. But when she reports these attempts, the local Cap Ferrat Police Inspector and the sinister psychiatrist, Dr. Forla believe these attempts are in her imagination and Dr Forla, concludes that Jane is mentally disturbed. At her wits end Jane finds an ally in the young English painter, Paul Hedley who finally believes her life is in danger following an attempt to murder him. When Inspector Malling of Scotland Yard and Mr. Breese arrive in Cap Ferrat trying to uncover the connection between Jane and the murdered man on the ferry, this thrilling puzzle of international intrigue begins to unravel against the backdrop of the French Riviera.
The Trygon Factor
A Scotland Yard detective is investigating a string of robberies and a murder, and the information he uncovers leads him to the estate of a wealthy but strange English family, who share their mansion with a group of nuns. The detective comes to suspect that neither the family nor the nuns is quite what they seem to be.
Attack of the Robots
Cynthia Lewis
Al Pereira, a wise-cracking superspy, investigates a series of assassinations being performed by ruthless killers with bronze skin and horn-rimmed glasses. The trail of these mindless automata leads him to the lair of a seductive villainess who has formulated a computer-powered plot to overthrow the governments of Europe. 'Cartes sur table' is at once an homage to classical Hollywood thrillers and a playful riff on the newly-popular James Bond films.
Виннету - сын Инчу-Чуна. След отчаянного человека
Продолжение приключений вождя апачей Виннету и Шеттерхенда. И вновь белые бандиты на службе бессовестных бизнесменов убивают и грабят на индейских территориях. Снабжая индейцев оружием и спиртным, они подстрекают их к вооруженному восстанию против белых. По поручению губернатора вождь апачей Виннету и Шеттерхенд едут провести мирные переговоры с восставшими...
Three Hats for Lisa
Lisa Milan
French movie pin up Sophie Hardy is Lisa Milan, a gorgeous Continental film star who's just arrived at Heathrow. She's in London for the premiere of her latest film, but within minutes she's beenw hisked away by her number one fan, Johnny Howjego and his Cockney pals Sammy, Flora and Cabbie Sid.
La Baie du Désir
The Ringer
The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's killers, and plans to set a trap to finally capture him. However, soon bodies start piling up, and it looks as if The Hexer may get away yet again.
Jeff Gordon, Secret Agent
Jeff Gordon, FBI agent, infiltrates a gang and finds himself in the midst of a gang war.
Вперед, Пардайан!
La jeune femme sur la route
1558 год. Город Шартрез осаждён войсками герцога де Гиза. Король Генрих III по совету своей матери, Екатерины Медичи, призывает на помощь своего кузена, Генриха Наваррского. Шевалье Пардайан берётся за опасное поручение — сквозь вражеские позиции доставить Генриху письмо от его тезки-короля. Ни шпаги врагов, ни козни предателей, не смогут остановить отважного гасконца…
Un clair de lune à Maubeuge