Tony Westman
Рождение : 1946-11-24, Seattle, Washington, USA
Director of Photography
When Bobber undergoes experimental surgery to help him walk again, Daniel Burton falls in love with his beautiful rehabilitation doctor and invites her to spend Christmas at the farm.
Director of Photography
Expectant parents become prime suspects in the disappearance of a pregnant woman who was last seen at their garage sale. Model citizen David Rose runs a garden center and is a devoted house-father. Like his wife Ivy, who suffered two stillbirths, their new neighbor Melinda is near to giving birth. Just after David showed her around in the Rose home, Melinda goes missing. Although no corpse is found, just circumstantial evidence more likely to be planted then stupidly left behind, police detective Blanchard treats David as his sole suspect, soon arrested, even after nosy neighbor Bindel is knocked down while David is in jail. School buddy Theo does his best to counsel the couple, yet Ivy doubts her husband's innocence just because of indications he may have had an affair with Melinda since high-school, and starts snooping with her best friend Jody. The worst crime is still being hatched.
Director of Photography
Саманта Хортон, дамочка из Техаса, которая при всей своей красоте является ещё и физиотерапевтом. Её увольняют с работы, но предлагают место в массажном салоне в другом городе. Она соглашается, но ещё не знает, что остальные работницы салона фактически являются проститутками.
Director of Photography
A promising track star, 18 year old Jesse Brenner struggles with binge drinking during her freshman year of college.
Director of Photography
Избалованные сестрички Тейлор и Кортни получают все, что захотят. Их отец богат, успешен, и очень любит своих дочерей. Но когда они умудряются разгромить половину дома, его терпению приходит конец. Он отправляет дочерей на свою ферму, в надежде, что работа научит их ответственности, однако ситуация усложняется, когда на ферме возникает угроза разорения. Теперь только сестрам под силу спасти семейный бизнес…
Director of Photography
Martha is a businesswoman and divorced mother of two children - Augusta and Jack. However, when docile Augusta becomes a teenager, feelings of anger and self-hate cause her personality to undergo a scary transformation, and Martha realizes that this is not just typical teen angst. Augusta begins doing drugs, drinking, and ends up on the streets. Her concerned mother and father reach out to an educational consultant, who advises them to send Augusta to a strict wilderness camp for troubled teens. However, even the institution's experienced and tough administrators find Augusta a difficulty to keep under control. Martha comes to realize that there is no answer to her daughter's behavior.
Director of Photography
Всемирно известное кукольное Маппет-шоу обыгрывает сказку «Волшебник из страны Оз». Дороти Гэйл, живёт со своей тётей Эм и дядей в трейлере в Канзасе. Дороти мечтает стать великой певицей. Но торнадо уносит её в волшебную страну Оз, где она встречает Страшилу, Железного Дровосека и Трусливого Льва. Вместе они направляются к загадочному волшебнику, который должен исполнить их заветные желания…
Director of Photography
Суперзвезда Райан Бэнкс получает предложение от давнего друга и его менеджера Тодда Догерти принять участие в реалити-шоу, в котором он будет искать себе вторую половину. Проблема заключается в том, что Тодд влюбляется в девушку, которой Райан собирается сделать предложение.
Director of Photography
The owner of a bank (Miss Bitterman) wants to own the Muppet Theatre so she can build a nightclub over it. After she tricks Pepe into giving her the only copy of the contract between her father and the Muppets, she changes it so the Muppets have very little time to pay a debt they owe. Meanwhile, the Muppets are trying to put on a Christmas show. After the Muppets are confronted by Bitterman, they make a lot of sacrifices to save up so they can keep the Theatre.
Director of Photography
The Cromwell clan live in the real world, except for their grandmother who lives in Halloweentown, a place where monsters go to escape reality. But now the son of the Cromwells' old enemy Kalabar has a plan to use the grandmother's book to turn Halloweentown into a grey dreary version of the real world, while transform the denizens of the real world into monsters.
Director of Photography
A group of snowbound strangers discover there are killers amongst them.
Documentary - In the first of Heston's acclaimed four part series, the renowned actor serves as storyteller. An ancient Roman amphitheater and other locales in Israel provide the settingsas he relies on the King James text, his dramatic skill and insightful observations plus great works of art and music to give flesh and bone to the Biblical wonder. - Charlton Heston
Director of Photography
«Аляска» - семейный приключенческий фильм о красоте дикой северной природы и отважных подростках, спасающих своего отца. После смерти жены летчик из Чикаго Джейк Барнс и его дети Джессика и Шон переезжают на Аляску. Бывший пилот «Боинга» теперь водит легкомоторный самолет, перевозящий лекарства на отдаленные территории. Перемену мест его семья принимает неоднозначно: если тринадцатилетней Джесс нравится север, то старший брат Шон скучает по Чикаго. Маленький городок кажется подростку дикой глушью, а Аляска – концом света и цивилизации. Занятый полетами отец мало занимается воспитанием Шона, и тот подрастает безответственным лоботрясом.
Director of Photography
A dramatized account of a female US Naval officer's ordeal of being sexually harassed at a Naval convention and her legal retaliation.
Director of Photography
В тихом городке Касл-Рок открывается необычайный магазин «Нужные вещи», где можно за полцены купить все, что душе угодно. За вторую половину цены хозяин требует, чтобы покупатель устроил какую-нибудь пакость ближнему своему. В результате городок превращается в преисподнюю. Убийства, драки, взрывы, сведения счетов - сам дьявол манипулирует здешними обывателями. Только не шериф - единственный человек в Касл-Рок, который ничего не захотел купить в этом проклятом магазине.
Documentary / Drama / Historical - "There's been more ink-and blood-spilled over this man since they nailed Him to the cross than over any single human being in history." Drawing from the King James version of accounts by those apostles who first wrote down the story, Charlton Heston hosts the third volume in the acclaimed four-part series of Bible-based stories and explorations.
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Canadian documentary film directed by Paul Cowan about the 1978 Commonwealth Games.
Director of Photography
Two Canadian drifters (Frank Moore, Jim Henshaw) become involved in crime after meeting unsavoury characters.
Presents the history of the conflict between the Canadian government and the Kwakiutl Indians of the Northwest Pacific over the ritual of the Potlatch. Archival photographs and films, wax roll sound recordings, police reports, the original potlatch files, and correspondence of agents form the basis of the reconstruction of period events, while the film centres on a Potlatch given today by the Cranmer family of Alert Bay.
Director of Photography
This short documentary follows Frank Ladouceur, a man who lives alone for months at a time, trapping muskrat in the vast, desolate wilderness of northern Alberta. He receives no visitors, and rarely voyages to his family home in Fort Chipewyan. What some may consider an unthinkably lonely, isolated existence is the calling of this fiercely independent Métis man. Remarkably determined and self-sufficient, Frank makes his home in the wild bush.
Director of Photography
Lumsden, Saskatchewan is a town of 850 citizens on a river called the Qu'Appelle. In the spring of 1974, the river doubled its volume and threatened to flood the town. The townspeople organized themselves and the whole province stood behind them. Lumsden is the story of an incredible battle against impossible odds.