Georgina Jane

Georgina Jane


Georgina Jane is an actress


Georgina Jane
Georgina Jane
Georgina Jane
Georgina Jane
Georgina Jane
Georgina Jane


The Jack in the Box Rises
"The Jack in the Box" third and last movie.
The Ghost Within
A young woman revisits her family home desperate to discover her sister Evie's murderer 20 years before. After a series of terrifying encounters with Evie's ghost at 09:09pm, Margot knows she must fight to learn the truth once and for all.
The Cult of Humpty Dumpty
A group of troubled teen girls and their teacher must fight for survival after discovering a cult has brought Humpty Dumpty, a killer doll, back to life and set loose on the camp where they are staying.
Cannibal Troll
Casey O'Connor
A group of friends on a camping trip, for the bride to be' s hen do, find themselves hunted down by a man eating cannibal troll in the woodland. They are hunted, captured and locked up in the Trolls torture chamber being forced to undergo a variety of challenges in order to escape their fate.
Люси, Саманта и Елена Белл - сёстры и потомки тысячелетней династии белых ведьм, задача которых - не допустить распространение тёмной магии. Однажды в поле их зрения попадает Доминика - колдунья, которая пытается обрести неограниченную силу, принося в жертву молодых чародеек. Троица спасает из её лап юную Джессику, которая носит таинственный знак зверя о трёх рогах, и обладает скрытой силой. Теперь им предстоит обучить её премудростям белой магии и подготовить к борьбе с силами зла.
Don't Speak
Upon arriving at their grandparents farm, a family soon realise the entire town has been taken out by an unknown monster that hunts by sound. And soon, they become its prey.
После того, как одноклассницы опозорили Фэй , практикующая ведьма решает отомстить обидчицам. В День святого Валентина она призывает злого Купидона, который не остановится ни перед чем, пока все не будут наказаны.
Virtual Death Match
Estate Agent
A group of gamers are selected to take part in a VR competition where only the fittest will survive.
Pet Graveyard
A group of teens are tormented by the Grim Reaper and his pet after undergoing an experiment that allows them to revisit the dead.
Вооруженный смертник берет в заложники прихожан церкви, желая тем самым отомстить пастырю за свою жену и наказать его за грехи.
Crooked Man
A trio of ghost hunters set out to find the infamous "Crooked Man" after finding the coordinates on the dark web.
Five years on from accidental tragedy on set, Ezekiel Twain gets his film green lit. This time, tragedy strikes again- this time not so accidentally with all the cast and crew at the remote studio being suspects.