Hasan Doğan


Amateur Life
Ayhan Varol, Turkey's best football player, missed the flight of a camp he was supposed to attend. While his manager, Sadi, was angry at this situation and was going to arrange a private plane for him, he said that he would catch up with his luxury car and took off. On his way out, he crashes into a tree and loses his memory to avoid hitting a cow that gets lost in his way.
Come Together, Now!
Güney's marriage proposal to Derya drives Salih crazy and Derya is grounded. Sadri fires his gun to scare Güney who will realize he has no choice but to abduct Derya and marry her secretly. When Seda learns about all these and that Güney's father is the one who killed Derya's father, she immediately goes after Güney. Seda shows the video to Güney and Sadri shows it to Derya.
Let It Happen, Now!
The villagers squeeze Güney, Derya, and her family for information, trying to learn if the rumor they heard is true. Fun and amusing events break out as Güney proposes to Derya, Seda hovers around Güney, causing chaos, and the villagers take sides as treasure hunters and hoteliers.
Let It Happen, Now!
The villagers squeeze Güney, Derya, and her family for information, trying to learn if the rumor they heard is true. Fun and amusing events break out as Güney proposes to Derya, Seda hovers around Güney, causing chaos, and the villagers take sides as treasure hunters and hoteliers.
Get Well, Now!
Derya is angry with Güney. Güney consults imam Suphi on the issue and the imam refers him to Deniz. Seda does not give up on her love. She buys a caravan and settles in the village and begins to gather information about Derya. Seda finds out that Derya is not Sadri's daughter. Showing the file, Seda tells Güney that the family is a swindler and Derya is not Sadri's own daughter. They are all shocked.
Get Well, Now!
Derya is angry with Güney. Güney consults imam Suphi on the issue and the imam refers him to Deniz. Seda does not give up on her love. She buys a caravan and settles in the village and begins to gather information about Derya. Seda finds out that Derya is not Sadri's daughter. Showing the file, Seda tells Güney that the family is a swindler and Derya is not Sadri's own daughter. They are all shocked.
Love, Now!
Güney, who is an archaeologist, sets out for Sahilköy when he finds out that his father Salih wants to build a hotel in a historic area. Güney meets Derya, an activist from the village who is also against the construction of the hotel. Things get complicated for Salih, who is ready for any kind of deception, learns that his son is going to Sahilköy. Güney will be caught between his ex-girlfriend Seda, those who want treasure in the village, and those who want a hotel.
Gelin Halayı
Hic Svnt Dracones
France, 2016. One year after the terrorist attacks. Myriam, divorced mother of Turkish origin, finds out that her son has gone missing. She suspects he has left for Syria. Sinking into paranoia,she tries to conceal his absence.
Petrol Sevdası
Hayatımız Film
У нас проблемы
Когда Мерт узнает о смерти своего отца, он быстро отправляется в Адану. Боясь сесть в самолет, он решает поехать туда на своей машине. Он останавливается на заправке посреди дороги, чтобы сделать покупки. В это время у него угоняют машину. На ту же АЗС приезжает и Йигит, который выполняет завещание отца. Есть важное требование в списке. Отец Йигита Рыза просил его не отправляться в путь одному. Йигит по пути будет останавливаться в определенных местах, дополняя список и сделает видео для канала Youtube. Узнав о том, что автомобиль Мерта украден, Йигит убеждает Мерта продолжать путь вместе с ним. Йигит расскажет Мерту про завещание и предупредит его, что посетит несколько мест до Аданы.
Anamız Var
In the movie titled " We Have a Mother, " a young boy named Oğuz falls in love with a Russian girl named Ivanka, and then tells about his fight to marry his mother Ülfet. Of course, Ülfet and his friends will do their best not to get married.
Пусть утро не наступает
На протяжении 5 лет Мухсин, у которого нет работы, кроме как похищать собак богатых людей и после за вознаграждение возвращать их обратно хозяевам, когда они объявляют о пропаже своих питомцев, помолвлен с Айсель. Айсель, которая всегда очень терпеливая, сходит с ума, когда Мухсин забывает о юбилее их помолвки, и разрывает отношения. Пока Мухсин думает, как ему помириться с Айсель, он узнаёт о том, что её брат Мустафа уходит в армию. Мухсин, который думает, как снова покорить сердце Айсель, организует красивый вечер провода солдата для Мустафы. Мухсин составляет план со своим лучшим другом Сюлейманом.