Jethro Creighton (Todd Duffey) is a young man of nine years from Southern Illinois who is growing up during the outbreak of the American Civil War. Helping his father farm is all he really knows. This makes things difficult when his kin fights for the Union Army, as well as the Rebel cause. He doesn't know who what to do. Should he fight for the Yankees, the Rebs, or just continue working on the farm? He has a cousin who is a deserter which he helps with food and a blanket; this is a crime not taken lightly. He writes Abraham Lincoln for advice on the matter. The president responds in a letter which guides him some, but more or less provides him with comfort; when a nine year old is in the midst of war, what is more important?
Три девушки отправляются на каникулах к морю. Случается так, что неподалёку, спасаясь от береговой охраны, местный контрабандист выбрасывает за борт солидный груз марихуаны. Огромные пакеты с травой прибивает к берегу, где их находят девушки и решают отпраздновать находку, закатив большую вечеринку.