Ildar Yagafarov


Живы ли вы?
Рассказ о семье Исламовых, которых объединила трагедия. Родичи встречались праздниках, юбилеях, говорили другу хорошие слова, давали обещания и возвращались каждый в свою жизнь. И вот однажды наступает момент, когда родственникам придется доказать, что они — члены одной семьи. Распад семейных связей – это общемировая проблема.
Galimžjan, an old man living an ascetic life by the sea, confronts his past as his son is accused of assaulting a man in the city. Galimžjan has lost his faith in a mythical fish called Baigal that is said to live in the nearby Volga river. But Baigal, who can bestow luck on those who reach it, might be just what he needs.
Galimžjan, an old man living an ascetic life by the sea, confronts his past as his son is accused of assaulting a man in the city. Galimžjan has lost his faith in a mythical fish called Baigal that is said to live in the nearby Volga river. But Baigal, who can bestow luck on those who reach it, might be just what he needs.