Radio Announcer (voice)
Морской бизнес на заходе, а ОН уже старик имеет семью из которых один слабоумный и за которым надо постоянно приглядывать, парень засыпает в лодке и не заметил как его лодка ушла далеко от берега в море, проснувшись он попытался грести но потерял все весла, прибившись к маяку неосторожно падает в воду, тонет в тот момент когда приплывает помощь. Старику как привидение появляется отец и старик заключает сделку, жизнь парня на его жизнь. Далее парня выловили рыбаки и не зная что делать чуть не бросили его обратно, но узнав в нем парня с судоверфи, догнали катер поисковый и отдали его. что делать старику? Парень выжил а ему надо держать слово
After World War II, 4,000 Polish families came to Australia. They were Jews, Fascists, anti-Communists, and others dispossessed. In a large hostel, where even married men and women were housed in separate barracks, the adults lived for two years while they worked off the government's payment of their passage. Even though he is married to Anna and has a son, Julian falls in love with Nina and she with him. As they and others face the new situations and prejudices that await immigrants and as they take on aspects of Australian culture, old-country values reassert themselves. Julian decides what to do about love and family, and Nina must find a way to move on.
The Wild Duck is a 1983 Australian film adapted from the play by Ibsen
Set in 1980's Australia, this is the true story of a woman whose husband eventually reveals to her that he is an active member of the Nazi party. A real nightmare begins for her.
A teenage boy falls hopelessly in love with his new sister-in-law. When she gets pregnant, someone raises the question that he might be the father--a notion he does nothing to discourage.
Sound Editor
Spurred on by the death of his drug-addicted sister at the hands of ruthless narcotics kingpin Frank McNally, U.S. drug enforcement agent Charles Sturgis embarks on an investigation that takes him from New York to London, Lisbon, Rome, Naples and finally Athens in pursuit of McNally's shapely associate, Gina Broger.