Director of Photography
Just as the freediver Victor is about to start a new record attempt, the body of his wife is found in the depths of Lake Constance. Detectives Oberländer and Hoffmann suspect that Victor himself may have been responsible for the drowning of his wife.
Director of Photography
The Alps, unique and meanwhile also endangered, are stretching across eight European countries. Rural exodus on the one hand and overtourism on the other often exist close together. And above all hovers the inevitable threat of climate change.
Director of Photography
An environmental spy infiltrates the global syndicate for illegal timber trading. With the aid of a hidden camera he documents the chain of illegal activities, from harvesting of the wood to the marketing of “washed” products in supermarkets. This turns out to be an excellent motor for political change.
Director of Photography
The crisis of western democracies is ubiquitous and recovery not on the horizon. Accompanying people from various European countries, the film is on the search for the reasons behind the alarming situation.
Director of Photography
Цыганская мать-одиночка Али, которую отец выгнал из дома, пытается устроить свою жизнь в Гамбурге, вкалывая на нелегальных работах. Однажды в ночном клубе, где проходят бои, она встречает такого же неудавшегося, бывшего боксера Танне. Он обнаруживает в ней боксерский талант — когда-то Али была чемпионкой среди юниоров. В финальном бою побеждает не тот, кто злее или сильнее, а кому есть за что биться.
Director of Photography
Director Hüseyin Tabak explores the legacy of Yilmaz Güney — political dissident, convicted murderer, and visionary Kurdish filmmaker — who directed the 1982 Palme d'Or–winning Yol from inside prison and died in exile just two years later.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The short film tells the story about three brothers who try to dive back into their childhood by re-enacting an old family picture.
Director of Photography
Carina is a young Dutch woman studying anthropology who travels to Ankara to conduct reesarch.
Director of Photography
Tahir's life is marked by a daring double life. He is fascinated by the wearing of the niqab, a cloth covering the face worn by some Muslim women, and finally decides to put on the dress. He is surprised by his son but before he can explain the incident, his wife appears and start a fight. But if he had to choose between tolerance and traditions, what would he choose?
Director of Photography
Семья 12-летнего Вейсела недавно эмигрировала из Турции в Австрию. Приспособиться к новой жизни мальчику нелегко. Он почти не знает немецкого языка и испытывает серьёзные проблемы в общении с одноклассниками. Не ладятся дела и дома: старший брат обвиняет отца-курда в том, что тот оставил жену и детей и много лет воевал за независимость турецкого Курдистана. Поддерживает мальчика лишь любовь к ровеснице Анне, на которую он каждый день любуется в школе. Ради неё он хочет перевести на немецкий стихотворение своего любимого поэта и певца Ашика Вейселя, которое начинается со слов «Твоя красота ничего не стоит без моей любви…»
Director of Photography