Director of Photography
In the hypothetical 1970s when parallel universes have been discovered, a comedian has an affair with his wife in a parallel universe. When his actual wife threatens divorce, he embarks on an adventure with his divorce lawyer.
Director of Photography
Sophie’s world shows the four days in the life of Sophie during her visit at Sooyoung and Jonggu’s house.
Director of Photography
Пока муж в командировке, женщина едет в пригород Сеула встретиться с тремя подругами. В непринуждённом общении все три пытаются затушевать свои проблемы, только у нашей героини Гам Хи всё хорошо — за пять лет счастливого брака она впервые разлучилась с супругом. От чего же убежала женщина?
Camera Operator
On her first day at work, Areum replaces a woman who broke up with the boss. The wife of the boss finds a love note, bursts into the office, and mistakes Areum for the other woman.
Lighting Technician
Younghee, an actress reeling in the aftermath of an affair with a married film director, escapes to Hamburg. But when she returns to Korea and meets with friends for drinks, startling confessions emerge.
Camera Operator
Детство у молодого прокурора Пак Тхэ-су было трудным, поэтому он ещё мальчиком решил добиться власти и уважения любой ценой. Ради карьеры и высокой должности Пак готов нарушать законы, использовать помощь бандитов и идти на компромиссы с конкурентами. Прежде всего, со своим наставником Хан Ган-щиком - ещё одним молодым и очень амбициозным прокурором.
Lighting Technician
Chun-Soo arrives in Suwon one day earlier than scheduled. He has a special lecture to give the next day. Chun-Soo decides to visit a palace and meets Hee-Jung there. Hee-Jung is a painter and she lets Chun-Soo see her workroom with her paintings. In the evening, they go out eat and drink together. There, Chun-Soo reveals something unexpected to Hee-Jung.
Camera Operator
В 1933 году борцы за независимость Кореи планируют убийство важных лиц японской администрации — губернатора Кёнсона Мамору Кавагути и прояпонского магната Кан Ин-гука. Агент сопротивления Ём Сок-чин поручает миссию девушке-снайперу Ан Ог-юн, специалисту-подрывнику Хван Док-саму и Чу Сан-оку. Группа прибывает в Кёнсон, не зная, что один из них работает на японцев и нанял киллеров для устранения членов группы.
Director of Photography
The seventeen year old 'Yeong-jae' was safely sent away to the group home 'Isaac's house'. He is old enough to leave now, but doesn't want to go back home to his irresponsible father.
Lighting Technician
Kwon returns to Seoul from a restorative stay in the mountains. She is given a packet of letters left by Mori, who has come back from Japan to propose to her. Kwon drops and scatters the letters, all of which are undated. When she reads them, she has to make sense of the chronology.
Camera Operator
A life documentary of a woman who was shunned for being possessed by spirits as a girl, oppressed for following superstitions as an adult, how she grows to be a great shaman who embraces the pain of all people, and how she comes to be honored as a national treasure of Korea with her outstanding artistic talents throughout Korea's tumultuous history.