Directed by director Nigol Bezjian, the documentary follows the steps of two historians Selim Deringil and Vahé Tashjian, tracing the hidden story of the Antoura Jesuit / Lazarist School in Lebanon.
Nigol Bezijan's movie follows a Lebanese Armenian poet closely. Sako Arian, who has been on a postponed journey for a century, returned to Istanbul, to his cultural roots...
Nigol Bezijan's movie follows a Lebanese Armenian poet closely. Sako Arian, who has been on a postponed journey for a century, returned to Istanbul, to his cultural roots...
Nigol Bezijan's movie follows a Lebanese Armenian poet closely. Sako Arian, who has been on a postponed journey for a century, returned to Istanbul, to his cultural roots...
Raffi, Paul and Ohan grew up together in war-torn Beirut. Ten years later, we find the childhood friends in Hollywood, caught up in a tougher struggle: the pursuit of the American dream.
Raffi, Paul and Ohan grew up together in war-torn Beirut. Ten years later, we find the childhood friends in Hollywood, caught up in a tougher struggle: the pursuit of the American dream.