Roman Korzhuk


In our age of ever-evolving technologies, virtual reality games are seeping to almost every home. And as we know, on Christmas evening, miracles happen more often and surprisingly could become real for us. In such a festive evening our hero decided to have some fun with the game Beat Saber. This game provoked so many emotions and became a reality for him. How it could be end for him, or would it be just his imagination. Miracle is absolutely near.
In our age of ever-evolving technologies, virtual reality games are seeping to almost every home. And as we know, on Christmas evening, miracles happen more often and surprisingly could become real for us. In such a festive evening our hero decided to have some fun with the game Beat Saber. This game provoked so many emotions and became a reality for him. How it could be end for him, or would it be just his imagination. Miracle is absolutely near.
In our age of ever-evolving technologies, virtual reality games are seeping to almost every home. And as we know, on Christmas evening, miracles happen more often and surprisingly could become real for us. In such a festive evening our hero decided to have some fun with the game Beat Saber. This game provoked so many emotions and became a reality for him. How it could be end for him, or would it be just his imagination. Miracle is absolutely near.
Конец 19 века, задворки Российской Империи. Сельский доктор дает одной из своих пациенток - объекту своего вожделения - эфир. Доза оказывается смертельной и пациентка умирает. После совершенного преступления доктор вынужден бежать. Он находит работу в крепости, где продолжает свои эксперименты с эфиром как обезболивающим средством и средством контроля над людьми. Несмотря на все зло, которое он уже совершил, душа его еще может быть спасена...