Joshua J. Bagnall


Steadicam Operator
Нет ничего опаснее человека, доведенного до точки кипения. Особенно, если жизнь обошлась с ним несправедливо и теперь ему нечего терять. Именно таким оказывается водитель автомобиля, с которым повздорила на дороге обычная мать-одиночка, не подозревая, что нажила себе безжалостного врага. Теперь он не остановится, пока не преподаст страшный урок своей жертве и всем, кто ей дорог. У женщины и ее сына не остается другого выбора, кроме как попытаться выжить в этой набирающей скорость смертельной игре.
Черное и синее
Steadicam Operator
Камера закрепленная на теле полицейской-новобранца из Детройта фиксирует факты коррупционных связей местной полиции и криминальных банд. И теперь, чтобы уничтожить отснятый материал, на главную героиню устраивают масштабную облаву.
Rock And Roll Fuck 'n' Lovely
The film is a dark and fantastical touring tale with a little rock n' roll on the side just for good measure. This is a road movie. this is a rock and roll drama, a tale that exposes the rumors surrounding a mythical festival tour (or is it just the drugs?). The cinematography is stunning, the drug taking shocking and the horror horrific, not for the faint hearted. It's a unique film capturing the true essence of the festival spirit, unlike any British film to date. This movie is the essence of a rock and roll nightmare. It's a must see for anyone who's been on the road.. and if you've not gone on tour before... after this you never will.
Rock And Roll Fuck 'n' Lovely
The film is a dark and fantastical touring tale with a little rock n' roll on the side just for good measure. This is a road movie. this is a rock and roll drama, a tale that exposes the rumors surrounding a mythical festival tour (or is it just the drugs?). The cinematography is stunning, the drug taking shocking and the horror horrific, not for the faint hearted. It's a unique film capturing the true essence of the festival spirit, unlike any British film to date. This movie is the essence of a rock and roll nightmare. It's a must see for anyone who's been on the road.. and if you've not gone on tour before... after this you never will.
Rock And Roll Fuck 'n' Lovely
The film is a dark and fantastical touring tale with a little rock n' roll on the side just for good measure. This is a road movie. this is a rock and roll drama, a tale that exposes the rumors surrounding a mythical festival tour (or is it just the drugs?). The cinematography is stunning, the drug taking shocking and the horror horrific, not for the faint hearted. It's a unique film capturing the true essence of the festival spirit, unlike any British film to date. This movie is the essence of a rock and roll nightmare. It's a must see for anyone who's been on the road.. and if you've not gone on tour before... after this you never will.
Rock And Roll Fuck 'n' Lovely
The film is a dark and fantastical touring tale with a little rock n' roll on the side just for good measure. This is a road movie. this is a rock and roll drama, a tale that exposes the rumors surrounding a mythical festival tour (or is it just the drugs?). The cinematography is stunning, the drug taking shocking and the horror horrific, not for the faint hearted. It's a unique film capturing the true essence of the festival spirit, unlike any British film to date. This movie is the essence of a rock and roll nightmare. It's a must see for anyone who's been on the road.. and if you've not gone on tour before... after this you never will.