Leopoldine Pokorny


Der Pfarrer von St. Michael
Ober zahlen
Vienna, 1957: Head waiters Gustav (Paul Hörbiger) and Franz (Hans Moser) are working for the stinted Cafétier Panigl and are close friiends despite of their different characters. Franz is happily married and a good family father, Gustav, a relaxed charmer, is living a calm single life. Overnight both of them become jobless, because Panigl decided to sell his Café which was not successful anymore. Right in this moment, Franz' brother is sending 20.000 Dollar from USA. Money, he once peculated and now wants to pay back.. Gustav and Franz are buying half of the Café for each from the unexpected money. One half they develop as the modern Musicbox-Espresso «Pinguin», the other half as a traditional old style Vienna Café . Misunderstandings between guests and generations are inevitable and stretch the long term friendship of the two waiters.
Ночь в Венеции
В Палаццо Урбино происходит большое волнение: к радости дам ожидается герцог, известный как Дон Жуан. Городские мужчины менее довольны его прибытием, потому что они боятся конкуренции. Сенатор Делагуа решает спрятать свою прекрасную жену в монастыре и представить герцогу горничную как свою супругу. Когда камердинер герцога также придумывает хитрость, осложнения, похоже, не заканчиваются.
Die Sonnhofbäuerin
The confrontation between two women - a choreographer of a successful troupe and a prima ballerina. Stung by the news of her upcoming dismissal, the prima begins to scheme..