Katy Drake Bettner


The Right to Read
Executive Producer
The Right to Read shares the stories of an activist, a teacher, and two American families who fight to provide our youngest generation with the most foundational indicator of life-long success: the ability to read.
It's Only Life After All
Co-Executive Producer
An intimate look into the lives of one of the most iconic folk-rock bands in America - the Indigo Girls. With never-before-seen archival and intimate vérité the film dives into the songwriting and storytelling of the music that transformed a generation.
What Comes Around
Executive Producer
Part thriller, part thoughtful domestic drama, Amy Redford’s new film looks at troubles that arise between a mother and her teen daughter after the latter is seduced online by a 28-year-old man.
With gender and identity in flux, Corey and Mia struggle to redefine their relationship.
Shouting Down Midnight
Both cautionary tale and rallying cry, Shouting Down Midnight recounts how the Wendy Davis filibuster of 2013 galvanized a new generation of activists and reveals what is at stake for us all in the struggle for reproductive freedom.
Anonymous Sister
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Jamie Boyle, a DOC NYC 40 Under 40 honoree, turns the camera on her own family when her mother and sister become dependent on opioids. Drawing upon footage shot for over 30 years, Boyle creates a poignant and timely study of the deadliest man-made epidemic in United States history. The film is an eye-opening look at what it means to suffer, to survive, and to experience life in all of its pain and beauty.
Red is the Color of Beauty
Just before the mall closes, two women fight over a special necklace.
Дикий индеец
Executive Producer
Маква вырос в индейском племени Анишинаабе и с детства видел много жестокости. В школе у него был единственный друг Тед-О, с которым Маква любил убегать в лес и играть там. Однажды на глазах у своего друга герой жестоко убивает одноклассника. Мальчики прячут тело и скрывают преступление. Пройдут годы, прежде чем им придется столкнуться лицом к лицу с последствиями своих чудовищных поступков.
Pray Away
Executive Producer
In the 1970s, five men struggling with being gay in their Evangelical church started a bible study to help each other leave the "homosexual lifestyle." They quickly received over 25,000 letters from people asking for help and formalized as Exodus International, the largest and most controversial conversion therapy organization in the world. But leaders struggled with a secret: their own “same-sex attractions” never went away. After years as Christian superstars in the religious right, many of these men and women have come out as LGBTQ, disavowing the very movement they helped start. Focusing on the dramatic journeys of former conversion therapy leaders, current members, and a survivor, PRAY AWAY chronicles the “ex gay" movement’s rise to power, persistent influence, and the profound harm it causes.
Storm Lake
Executive Producer
A dogged family-run paper in Iowa gives citizens the scoop on forces threatening to overwhelm their precarious small-town existence.
Атлет А
Co-Executive Producer
Следите за репортажами из Индианаполис Стар, которые рассказали историю о насилии над доктором США по спортивной гимнастике Ларри Нассаром и узнали о нём от гимнасток.
Co-Executive Producer
Любящий муж, роскошный дом и долгожданная беременность. Кажется, что она окутана заботой со всех сторон. Её ежеминутно окружают люди, которые всегда дадут совет, как быть хорошей женой и мамой. Почему же тогда она испытывает неутолимый голод, когда смотрит на острые предметы…
Executive Producer
Группа молодых людей без американского гражданства, называющих себя «Мечтателями», занимается помощью нелегальным иммигрантам. Чтобы изучить всю подноготную Центра содержания нелегальных иммигрантов во Флориде, они сами идут на риск, намеренно добиваясь задержания и отправки в этот центр.
Тёмные деньги
Co-Executive Producer
'Dark money' contributions, made possible by the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, flood modern American elections — but Montana is showing Washington D.C. how to solve the problem of unlimited anonymous money in politics.
Sweet Dreams
Executive Producer
Morris navigates his way through a mandatory stay at Sweet Dreams sober living. In an attempt to get his life back on track, he agrees to coach a misfit softball team of his fellow housemates.