Ivan Kelava


Race for Glory: Audi vs Lancia
Executive Producer
Inspired by true events that occurred during the fierce rivalry between Germany (Audi) and Italy (Lancia) at the 1983 Rally World Championships.
Co-Executive Producer
История осла по имени Бальтазар, начавшаяся в польском цирке и заканчивающаяся итальянской бойней, является горьким, но и тепло гуманистическим парафразом «роуд-муви». Это паноптикум поведения человека по отношению к беззащитному животному, наводящая на размышления картина социальных отношений и культурных изменений, происходящих в современном мире.
Thursday morning, Jerusalem. Nira goes to work. Ahmad in London does the same, Ralf in Cologne and a priest in Prague too. Matija, Croat, goes to work as well. Ok, he doesn't, but he acts as if he does. Ahmad is taking his routine red bus journey. Out-of-breath young man comes in and interrupts it. Schoolteacher Nira is also interrupted - her pupil jumps out and performs a love rap song he wrote for her. The priest in Prague doesn't feel like singing today, he is in the mood for (over)sleeping instead. Someone falls asleep, someone else - Ralf - falls in love. All five mentioned above are listening to the top-news about the disappearance of bees. And trying their best, each one of them in his or her own 'hive': Zagreb, Jerusalem, London, Cologne, Prague...
Orange Blanket
In all its beauty, youth can be so naive that we cannot discern the important things… Love is the most wonderful and the most destructive thing in the world, all at the same time…