Julie Mathews
A group of kids on a field trip in western rural America accidentally discover the bodies of two murdered children. Who they are is a mystery. Corrupt reporter Cindie arrives in town and bribes bar owner Julie into spilling her life story. As the night unfolds, Julie reveals her history of deception, adultery and events kept secret that may hold the key to the fate of the murdered children.
A group of kids on a field trip in western rural America accidentally discover the bodies of two murdered children. Who they are is a mystery. Corrupt reporter Cindie arrives in town and bribes bar owner Julie into spilling her life story. As the night unfolds, Julie reveals her history of deception, adultery and events kept secret that may hold the key to the fate of the murdered children.
Things are going swimmingly for the film producer Roy Tilden, his last film is a success and he will soon receive an award for it. But his perfect day changed quickly when he takes an elevator with a keen writer. Directly after the door is closed, the emergency stop button is pressed and he is caught with a bunch of mildly different people.
Things are going swimmingly for the film producer Roy Tilden, his last film is a success and he will soon receive an award for it. But his perfect day changed quickly when he takes an elevator with a keen writer. Directly after the door is closed, the emergency stop button is pressed and he is caught with a bunch of mildly different people.
Lori (uncredited)
Закончилась ли холодная война, если ее наследие угрожает всему человечеству? Развалившиеся бараки, затянутый тиной бассейн, ржавые конструкции — вот, пожалуй, и все, что осталось от секретной военной базы.
Очаровательная женщина — детектив и писатель — отшельник, попав на эти руины холодной войны в поисках пропавшей парочки влюбленных, сливают воду из бассейна в соседнюю речушку. Откуда им было знать, что здесь выводили гигантских пираний, стремительно размножающихся и пожирающих все на своем пути — смертельное оружие массового поражения. Из речки рыбы — людоеды попадают в озеро, и если они доберутся до океана, на земле может исчезнуть все живое!
Страдающий болезнью крови инопланетянин прибывает на Землю с умирающей планеты.
A has-been actress lures a TV commercial director to her apartment to seduce him.