Muffie Meyer


Medicating Normal
One in five Americans is taking a psychiatric drug, including millions of children. Pharmaceutical companies have over-hyped the benefits of these drugs, while hiding the risks and severe side effects including physiological dependence. "Medicating Normal" explores what happens when for- profit medicine intersects with human beings in distress.
The Crash of 1929
Based on eight years of continued prosperity, presidents and economists alike confidently predicted that America would soon enter a time when there would be no more poverty, no more depressions -- a "New Era" when everyone could be rich. But when reality finally struck, the consequences of such unbound optimism shocked the world.
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
This film is made up of three segments that share no plot but have a general thematic relationship. In the first segment, Virginia and her three children are left by her shiftless husband and she is courted by an old beau who is now divorced. In the second, a divorced woman reacts to some unexpected revelations from her aged father. In the third, a childless, middle-aged social worker is swept into an affair with a young cab driver and finds herself pregnant.
Gilda Live
A filmed version of the Broadway show starring comedienne Gilda Radner, complete with the characters she made famous on the TV show "Saturday Night Live."
Серые сады
Пожилая мать с дочерью средних лет, тётя и кузина Жаклин Кеннеди Онассис, ведут наполненную различными событиями жизнь в полуразрушенном особняке в Ист Хэмптоне.
Лорды Флэтбуша
Полулюбительская лента о юношах из клуба «Лорды Флэтбуша», об их проблемах. Действие фильма происходит в пятидесятые годы. Напомаженные герои играют на деньги в бильярд, разъезжают в открытых «тачках», встречаются с девушками…