Rio Warner


Costume Assistant
19-летняя Линнея решает покинуть родной шведский городок и переехать в Лос-Анджелес. Там она намеревается сменить имя и стать порно-звездой. Но ее путь к успеху оказывается не таким, как она предполагала.
The Nanny Murders
A young woman reluctantly takes a job as a Nanny, for a well-known businessman. He quickly makes advances towards her, which she rejects, only for his passion to become deadly.
Deadly Daughter Switch
Assistant Costume Designer
When Brooke discovers that her daughter Hailey isn't actually her biological daughter, their family is thrown into crisis as they realize Hailey was switched at birth with Brookes biological daughter Breanne.
Killing Your Daughter
Assistant Costume Designer
When a DNA test helps Candace connect with her birth parents, she realizes some family histories are better left untold.