Klay Abele


Visual Effects
Секретная неправительственная организация, которой все основные мировые державы предоставили полную свободу действий по выслеживанию и сдерживанию любых аномальных объектов, сущностей и явлений, отправляется в дом лидера религиозной секты. Там команда бойцов обнаруживает нечто ужасное, что скрыто от глаз человеческих.
Echo Romeo Alpha Pilot
After a terrifying and deadly monster escapes from the SCP Foundation, Inspector Arlia interviews Doctor Daniels, the man responsible for containing the creature.
After a terrifying and deadly monster escapes from the SCP Foundation, Inspector Arlia interviews Doctor Daniels, the man responsible for containing the creature.
After a terrifying and deadly monster escapes from the SCP Foundation, Inspector Arlia interviews Doctor Daniels, the man responsible for containing the creature.
SCP: Site 22
Two private security personnel run in terror from something that has broken containment deep below the earths surface. They are faced with the fact they may be the only ones left.
SCP: Site 22
Two private security personnel run in terror from something that has broken containment deep below the earths surface. They are faced with the fact they may be the only ones left.
SCP: Site 22
Two private security personnel run in terror from something that has broken containment deep below the earths surface. They are faced with the fact they may be the only ones left.