Ludvík Kadleček

Рождение : 1928-01-22,

Смерть : 2010-02-12


Autíčková romance
Myší kočičiny
Slova, slova
Art Direction
Slova, slova
I Count on the Wire
Set Decoration
The story of some mischievous clothes drying on a string. A cheerful fairy tale.
Jak ulovit mamuta
Rozpustilí bráškové
Art Designer
Konec kouzelníka Uhahuly
Art Designer
Příhody brouka Pytlíka
Art Direction
Ferda in the Anthill
Art Direction
Ferda The Ant In The Foreign Service
Art Direction
Everyone knows Ferda the Ant, who knows how to work with everyone and selflessly helps all small animals from the beetle empire. Everything with him is fun, but he can also punish stupidity and injustice.
Jak si Jakub naposledy vystřelil
Art Designer
Příhody Ferdy mravence
Art Designer
Art Designer
Star of Bethlehem
Art Designer
An animated film that recounts the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ described in the New Testament.
Christmas Tree
Art Designer
Another of Hermína Týrlová's "wool fairy tales" tells about two children who decorated a Christmas tree.
Corral Tale
Art Designer
A poetic and colorful tale at the bottom of the sea.
Psí nebe
Art Designer
Chlapeček nebo holčička?
Art Designer
The Snowman
Art Designer
A snowman comes to life in this charming and playful stop motion short. In danger of melting once spring rolls around, the snowman eventually departs for an icier climate, perhaps to return next winter.
Vlněná pohádka
Art Designer
The Glass Marble
Art Designer
Different animals play with a marble in this whimsical story from Hermína Týrlová, ‘the mother of Czech animation’
Two Balls
Art Designer
A romantic story between two wool skeins.
The Curious Letter
Art Designer
An adventurous letter that wandered around the world instead of rushing to a summer camp to see its little recipient.
Proč pláče žirafa
Art Designer
Proč pláče žirafa
Den odplaty
Art Designer
The Lost Doll
Art Designer
A lovely fairytale for all tells the story of a doll that is lost, and with the help of other toys is looking for a way to her friend
The Choo-Choo Train
Art Designer
A puppet fairy tale about a disobedient train that did not just want to carry coal and drove to return to his work after a sad experience.
The Knot in the Handkerchief
Art Designer
A boy makes a knot in his handkerchief to remind himself to repair his leaky faucet. The handkerchief, however, is alive and kicking, and flees from its pocket to explore the outside world. The boy gets distracted by a game of soccer, forgetting the faucet. In the meantime, the handkerchief meets other pieces of fabric that come to life.
Art Designer
Чешский кукольный мультфильм рассказывает историю беспокойного мячика, которого похитил злой дракон. Дед и бабушка, которым принадлежал мячик, искали его, пока не нашли его и уничтожили дракона.
Art Designer
Мультфильм по сказке Ганса Христиана Андерсена. О принце, который влюбился в принцессу соседнего королевства и преподнёс ей в дар самое дорогое, что у него было — розу. Но принцесса отвергла подарок, и тогда принц устроился к её отцу — королю — на работу, пасти свиней…
Art Designer
Кукольный мультипликационный фильм о злом короле, златовласой принцессе и живой и мертвой воде по сказке Йозефа Кайнара.