Marie Smržová


The Snowman's Dream
Set Decoration
A fairy tale about the foolish dream of one dissatisfied snowman.
I Count on the Wire
Set Decoration
The story of some mischievous clothes drying on a string. A cheerful fairy tale.
Jak ulovit mamuta
Set Decoration
Konec kouzelníka Uhahuly
Set Decoration
Příhody brouka Pytlíka
Set Decoration
Ferda in the Anthill
Set Decoration
Ferda The Ant In The Foreign Service
Set Decoration
Everyone knows Ferda the Ant, who knows how to work with everyone and selflessly helps all small animals from the beetle empire. Everything with him is fun, but he can also punish stupidity and injustice.
Jak si Jakub naposledy vystřelil
Set Decoration
Příhody Ferdy mravence
Set Decoration
Já a Bleděmodrá
Set Decoration
The Mischievous Boy
An episode from a series of fairy tales tells the story of correcting the behavior of a mischievous and devilish boy. When the boy gets glued to a bucket, he finally understands how he's harmed the animals in the yard and woods.
Já a Bělovous Zrzunda
Set Decoration
Já a můj dvojnožec
Set Decoration
Jak pejsek vyčmuchal darebáka
Vánoce u zvířátek
Růžové brýle
Pejskův sen
Kluk dostává filipa
Ukradené dítě
Obávaná kačena
Toulavé telátko
How They Went to Work
A stop-motion animated short about the journey of Nicholas, an angel and two devils to distribute gifts. The devils are bored on the way, so they invent all kinds of tricks.
Tak blízko u nebe
Барон Мюнхгаузен
Special Effects
Барон Мюнхгаузен, Сирано де Бержерак и жюль-верновский герой Бирбикен встретились на Луне с молодым ученым-астрономом, нашим современником...
Барон Мюнхгаузен
Set Decoration
Барон Мюнхгаузен, Сирано де Бержерак и жюль-верновский герой Бирбикен встретились на Луне с молодым ученым-астрономом, нашим современником...