Luis Fernández


Sleep, Sleep, My Love
A dark and surrealistic comedy about a man who gives drugs to his wife, to make her sleep and avoid arguing with her.
Las últimas horas
Dawn of America
Kingdom of Castile, the late fifteenth century. The film chronicles the events that Cristóbal Colón lived (Antonio Vilar) from their stay in the Convent of La Rabida, his meeting with the Catholic Monarchs and, above all, the great odyssey that led to cross the Atlantic and reach the shores of America (1492), thus beginning a new era in the history of mankind.
La Leona de Castilla
Crown of Castile, 1520. The Comuneros rise up against Charles I, king of Castile and Aragon and emperor of the Hispanic Monarchy. While Juan de Padilla, leader of the uprising, and his captains, Juan Bravo and Francisco Maldonado, fight against the imperial armies, his wife, María de Pacheco, rules the city of Toledo, capital of the rebels.