Serge Meynard


Бремя лжи
У Луизы есть все для счастья: она живет с Матье, мужчиной, которого любит, и Артуром, его сыном от первой жены, погибшей несколько лет назал в автокатастрофе. К радости Луизы, когда Артуру исполнилось шесть лет, он впервые назвал ее мамой. Но на следующий день Артур бесследно исчезает со школьного представления. И никто не требует выкупа. Очень быстро Луиза становится главной подозреваемой...
I married a stranger
Young couple recently married. Soon a child comes. Perfect happiness. For their honeymoon, Emma and David chose a house in the forest. But the escapade turns to drama: attacked by a masked man, Emma escapes to death. For the police, no doubt, David is the No. 1 suspect: his strange refusal to cooperate, his unexplained absence at the time of the facts, the testimony of a neighbor, the fortune he would inherit ... Doubt interferes in the spirit of Emma. Does she really know the man she married?
Silent Night, Bloody Night
Pierre and Patricia have some friends around for Christmas Eve. But the evening is not going to unfold exactly as intended. A stranger bursts in and threatens each guest until they confess their little secrets and lies...
Я, Франсуа Вийон, вор, убийца, поэт
Величайший из поэтов французского средневековья родился в нищете, среди мертвых и чумных в день, когда Жанна д`Арк сгорела на костре. В нем причудливым образом уживались природный дар с необузданным характером. А когда капризная муза отворачивалась, автор прекрасных баллад черпал вдохновение на самом дне человеческих пороков…
Я, Франсуа Вийон, вор, убийца, поэт
Величайший из поэтов французского средневековья родился в нищете, среди мертвых и чумных в день, когда Жанна д`Арк сгорела на костре. В нем причудливым образом уживались природный дар с необузданным характером. А когда капризная муза отворачивалась, автор прекрасных баллад черпал вдохновение на самом дне человеческих пороков…
A Child's Secret
Set in 18th century, a 10 year old deaf boy has been abandoned by his mother, Comtesse de Solar, and is taken care by Abbé de l'Épée, who teaches him how to comunicate and express.
A Child's Secret
Set in 18th century, a 10 year old deaf boy has been abandoned by his mother, Comtesse de Solar, and is taken care by Abbé de l'Épée, who teaches him how to comunicate and express.
Passés troubles
A former police officer, Marc Lorca, sees his wife die from a terrible car accident, which occurred while he was driving. Previously alcoholic, Lorca seems to collapse under the weight of guilt. But a former colleague, Marianne Duriez, recently become a police captain, shows him that the accident is not accounted by any negligence on his part. The survey of experts has indeed revealed that the steering axis of the vehicle was sabotaged. Gradually, the suspect list is expanding. Lorca realizes he knows nothing of the past of his deceased wife, who was obviously part of a small extreme left group.
La nuit du meurtre
On a cold fall morning, Nathalie Castellane is found murdered near a swamp. The night before she was at the restaurant with Louis and Hélène, her rich parents, and Eric, her brother. There she had told them about her intention to marry Philippe Laclos, the manager of the Castellane group. When leaving the restaurant, Nathalie had looked very worried... After being notified of Nathalie's death, all the protagonists sink into silence. Which will not help police inspector Tourneur to establish the truth...
La nuit du meurtre
On a cold fall morning, Nathalie Castellane is found murdered near a swamp. The night before she was at the restaurant with Louis and Hélène, her rich parents, and Eric, her brother. There she had told them about her intention to marry Philippe Laclos, the manager of the Castellane group. When leaving the restaurant, Nathalie had looked very worried... After being notified of Nathalie's death, all the protagonists sink into silence. Which will not help police inspector Tourneur to establish the truth...
Hôpital souterrain
During a weekend on the small island of Roz Ven, Marine, an eight-year-old girl who had come with her parents, disappeared while the three of them were visiting a mysterious underground museum. The police are immediately put in charge of the investigation, but it stalls: despite numerous hypotheses, none of them seems to fit and the disappearance remains unexplained.
L'inconnue du Val-Perdu
L'inconnue du Val-Perdu
Pretty Devils
Three very different adolescent girls team up to take revenge on men until one day it is no longer a game.
Pretty Devils
Three very different adolescent girls team up to take revenge on men until one day it is no longer a game.
Le danger d'aimer
Hélène and Julien have been married for ten years and feel very close to each other. But a serious problem undermines their marriage: Julien has become impotent following an accident. Hélène bravely makes do, at least until she meets Antoine, a handsome young man with whom she falls passionately in love. Will the couple she forms with Julien survive?
A Fox Blood
A story passes in a village and includes four main characters: a boy who is just at the age of the sexual activity, a mad man and two women.
A Fox Blood
A story passes in a village and includes four main characters: a boy who is just at the age of the sexual activity, a mad man and two women.
Sexes faibles!
The La Chesnays live in a castle threatened with destruction to accommodate a TGV line. While Gilles, the husband, agrees to receive compensation, his wife, Maud, fights with the other villagers so that the project does not materialize.
Sexes faibles!
The La Chesnays live in a castle threatened with destruction to accommodate a TGV line. While Gilles, the husband, agrees to receive compensation, his wife, Maud, fights with the other villagers so that the project does not materialize.
The Ripening Seed
Based on French writer Colette's 1923 novel, Le Blé en herbe focuses on the changing relationship between childhood friends Vinca and Phillipe. Both are on the verge of adulthood and beginning to recognize romantic feelings for one another when Phillipe meets a lascivious, wealthy older woman named Madam Dellaray. He is torn between his innocent but restricting affection for Vinca and satisfaction of his impatient lust for the new and mature world Madam Dellaray offers.
L'oeil au beur(re) noir
Denis and Rachid, a black and an Algerian, are looking for an apartment in Paris. Both meet Virginie, whocould rent them the vacant apartment of her stepfather, but she'd rather rent to some low-lifes than to a black or an Algerian.
Раненый человек
Assistant Director
Начало 80-х, типичная мелкобуржуазная семья: мама с папой и брат с сестрой. Фильм начинает с того, как сестра собирается в поездку, все ужасно торопятся пообедать, что бы потом ужасно торопиться на поезд, бестолково толкаться на перроне и все для того что бы понять, что времени до отправки еще очень много и теперь можно спокойно сесть и снова начать есть в зале ожидания…